Class HTMLComponent

  extended by com.sun.lwuit.Component
      extended by com.sun.lwuit.Container
          extended by com.sun.lwuit.html.HTMLComponent
All Implemented Interfaces:
Animation, ActionListener, StyleListener, AsyncDocumentRequestHandler.IOCallback

public class HTMLComponent
extends Container
implements ActionListener, AsyncDocumentRequestHandler.IOCallback

HTMLComponent is a LWUIT Component that renders HTML documents that conform to the XHTML Mobile Profile 1.0

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.sun.lwuit.Component
Constructor Summary
          Constructs HTMLComponent
HTMLComponent(DocumentRequestHandler handler)
          Constructs HTMLComponent
Method Summary
 void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
          Invoked when an action occurred on a component
 void addCharEntitiesRange(java.lang.String[] symbols, int startcode)
          Adds the given symbols array to the user defined char entities table with the startcode provided as the code of the first string, startcode+1 for the second etc.
 void addCharEntity(java.lang.String symbol, int code)
          Adds the given symbol and code to the user defined char entities table.
static void addFont(java.lang.String fontKey, Font font)
          Sets the given LWUIT font for use with HTMLComponents.
static void addSpecialKey(java.lang.String specialKeyName, int specialKeyCode)
          Adds support for a special key to be used as an accesskey.
 boolean animate()
          Allows the animation to reduce "repaint" calls when it returns false.
 void cancel()
          Cancels the loading of the current page
protected  void deinitialize()
          If the component is taken off for any reason, makes sure access keys are not active
 DocumentInfo getDocumentInfo()
          Returns the DocumentInfo that currently represents the document loaded/shown
 HTMLElement getDOM()
          Returns the DOM representing this document
 HTMLCallback getHTMLCallback()
          Returns the HTMLCallback that is set on this HTMLComponent
 int getPageStatus()
          Returns the page status
 java.lang.String getPageURL()
          Returns the page's URL
 java.lang.String[] getPropertyNames()
          A component may expose mutable property names for a UI designer to manipulate, this API is designed for usage internally by the GUI builder code
 java.lang.Class[] getPropertyTypes()
          Matches the property names method (see that method for further details).
 java.lang.Object getPropertyValue(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the current value of the property name, this method is used by the GUI builder
 DocumentRequestHandler getRequestHandler()
          Returns the document request handler
 java.lang.String getTitle()
          Returns the HTML page's title as described in its TITLE tag
protected  void initComponent()
          Overrides initComponent to add the key listeners to the access keys when the component is first added to the form/displayed This is useful when the component is added only after the page was read
 boolean isEventsEnabled()
          Returns the current status of the events enabled flag
 void layoutContainer()
          Performs the layout of the container if a layout is necessary
 void refreshDOM()
          Refreshes the current DOM so it any changes done after loading will be rendered.
 void scrollPages(int pages, boolean animate)
          Scrolls the HTMLComponent several pages forward/backward.
 void scrollPixels(int pixels, boolean animate)
          Scrolls the HTMLComponent several pixels forward/backward.
 void scrollToElement(HTMLElement element, boolean animate)
          Scrolls the HTMLComponent to the specified element
 void setAutoFocusOnFirstLink(boolean autoFocus)
          Determines whether to auto-focus on the first link after page load Note that focusing will happen only if the link is within a visible range (no scrolling is performed since this is rarely a wanted behaviour in this case)
 void setBodyText(java.lang.String htmlText)
          Sets the given string containing HTML code as this HTMLComponent's body
 boolean setBodyText(java.lang.String htmlText, java.lang.String encoding)
          Sets the given string containing HTML code as this HTMLComponent's body.
static void setCSSSupportedMediaTypes(java.lang.String[] supportedMediaTypes)
          Sets the supported CSS media types to the given strings.
 void setDefaultFont(java.lang.String fontKey, Font font)
          Sets the default font for this HTMLComponent
 void setDOM(HTMLElement dom)
          Sets this HTMLComponent to render the document in the specified DOM.
 void setDOM(HTMLElement dom, java.lang.String baseURL)
          Sets this HTMLComponent to render the document in the specified DOM
 void setEventsEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Sets whether the active controls in the HTML will trigger events, and whether the DOM will change dynamically due to user input.
 boolean setHTML(java.lang.String htmlText, java.lang.String encoding, java.lang.String title, boolean isFullHTML)
          Sets the given string containing HTML code either as this HTMLComponent's body or as the full HTML.
 void setHTMLCallback(HTMLCallback callback)
          Sets an HTMLCallback to listen to this HTMLCOmponent
 void setIgnoreCSS(boolean ignore)
          Sets whether this HTMLComponent will ignore all CSS.directives.
static void setMaxThreads(int threadsNum)
          Sets the maximum number of threads to use for image download
 void setPage(java.lang.String pageURL)
          Sets this HTMLComponent to render the document in the specified URL
 void setPageStyle(Style pageStyle)
          Sets the style of the page, allowing for example to set transparency to the main page.
 void setPageUIID(java.lang.String pageUIID)
          Sets the UIID of the page (the internal container) This applies not only to the current page, but rather to all pages created with this HTMLComponent instance.
 void setParser(HTMLParser parser)
          Sets a custom HTMLParser for this HTMLComponent By default, a new HTMLParser instance is created for each HTMLComponent, use this method if you have a custom parser.
 java.lang.String setPropertyValue(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets a new value to the given property, returns an error message if failed and null if successful.
 void setShowImages(boolean show)
          Sets whether this HTMLComponent will download and show linked images or not
 void streamReady( is, DocumentInfo docInfo)
          This method should be called only by AsyncDocumentRequestHandler implementations after an async fetch of a document
Methods inherited from class com.sun.lwuit.Container
addComponent, addComponent, addComponent, addComponent, animateLayout, animateLayoutAndWait, applyRTL, calcPreferredSize, contains, dragInitiated, drop, findFirstFocusable, flushReplace, getBottomGap, getComponentAt, getComponentAt, getComponentCount, getComponentIndex, getGridPosX, getGridPosY, getLayout, getLayoutHeight, getLayoutWidth, getLeadComponent, getLeadParent, getScrollIncrement, getSideGap, invalidate, isEnabled, isScrollableX, isScrollableY, keyPressed, keyReleased, paint, paintBackground, paintGlass, paramString, pointerHover, pointerPressed, refreshTheme, removeAll, removeComponent, replace, replace, replaceAndWait, replaceAndWait, replaceAndWait, revalidate, scrollComponentToVisible, setCellRenderer, setEnabled, setLayout, setLeadComponent, setScrollable, setScrollableX, setScrollableY, setScrollIncrement, setShouldCalcPreferredSize, setShouldLayout
Methods inherited from class com.sun.lwuit.Component
addFocusListener, calcScrollSize, contains, deinitializeCustomStyle, dragEnter, dragExit, draggingOver, drawDraggedImage, fireClicked, focusGained, focusLost, getAbsoluteX, getAbsoluteY, getBaseline, getBaselineResizeBehavior, getBorder, getBounds, getClientProperty, getComponentForm, getDirtyRegion, getDisabledStyle, getDragImage, getHeight, getLabelForComponent, getName, getNextFocusDown, getNextFocusLeft, getNextFocusRight, getNextFocusUp, getParent, getPreferredH, getPreferredSize, getPreferredW, getPressedStyle, getScrollAnimationSpeed, getScrollDimension, getScrollOpacity, getScrollOpacityChangeSpeed, getScrollX, getScrollY, getSelectCommandText, getSelectedRect, getSelectedStyle, getStyle, getTensileLength, getUIID, getUnselectedStyle, getWidth, getVisibleBounds, getX, getY, growShrink, handlesInput, hasFocus, initCustomStyle, installDefaultPainter, isAlwaysTensile, isDragActivated, isDragAndDropOperation, isDraggable, isDropTarget, isFlatten, isFocusable, isGrabsPointerEvents, isHideInPortrait, isInitialized, isRTL, isScrollable, isScrollVisible, isSelectableInteraction, isSmoothScrolling, isSnapToGrid, isTactileTouch, isTactileTouch, isTensileDragEnabled, isVisible, keyRepeated, laidOut, longKeyPress, longPointerPress, paintBackgrounds, paintBorder, paintComponent, paintComponent, paintLock, paintLockRelease, paintScrollbars, paintScrollbarX, paintScrollbarY, pointerDragged, pointerDragged, pointerHoverPressed, pointerHoverReleased, pointerPressed, pointerReleased, pointerReleased, putClientProperty, refreshTheme, removeFocusListener, repaint, repaint, requestFocus, scrollRectToVisible, scrollRectToVisible, setAlwaysTensile, setDirtyRegion, setDisabledStyle, setDraggable, setDropTarget, setFlatten, setFocus, setFocusable, setGrabsPointerEvents, setHandlesInput, setHeight, setHideInPortrait, setInitialized, setIsScrollVisible, setLabelForComponent, setName, setNextFocusDown, setNextFocusLeft, setNextFocusRight, setNextFocusUp, setPreferredH, setPreferredSize, setPreferredW, setPressedStyle, setRTL, setScrollAnimationSpeed, setScrollOpacityChangeSpeed, setScrollSize, setScrollVisible, setScrollX, setScrollY, setSelectCommandText, setSelectedStyle, setSize, setSmoothScrolling, setSnapToGrid, setTactileTouch, setTensileDragEnabled, setTensileLength, setUIID, setUnselectedStyle, setWidth, setVisible, setX, setY, styleChanged, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HTMLComponent()
Constructs HTMLComponent


public HTMLComponent(DocumentRequestHandler handler)
Constructs HTMLComponent

handler - The HttpRequestHandler to which all requests for links will be sent
Method Detail


public static void addFont(java.lang.String fontKey,
                           Font font)
Sets the given LWUIT font for use with HTMLComponents. The font key can contain information about the following attributes: * The font family - i.e. Arial, Times New Roman etc. * The font size - in pixels (i.e. 12, 14 etc.) * The font style - bold, italic or both (no need to specify plain) * The font tag assignments - if this font should be used for any HTML specific tags they should be specified - i.e. h1, kbd etc. The key is just a concatenation of all attributes seperated with a dot. Examples for valid keys: arial.12 - Describes a plain font from the arial family in size 12 arial.16.bold - A bold arial font in size 16 courier.italic.bold.20 - A bold and italic courier font in size 20 arial.20.h1 - A plain arial font, size 20, that should be used for contents of the H1 tag code.kbd.samp - A font that should be used for the CODE, KBD and SAMP tags Note that the order of the attributes is not important and also that the case is ignored. This means that arial.12.bold.italic.h3 is equivalent to itALIc.H3.arial.BOLD.12 Also note that while you do not have to provide all the info for the font, but the info helps the rendering engine to reuse fonts when suitable. For example, if you have a 16px arial bold font which you want to use for H2, you can simply add it as "h2", but if you add it as "arial.16.bold.h2" then if the current font is arial.16 and the renderer encounters a B tag, it will know it can use the font you added as the bold counterpart of the current font. When adding system fonts there is no need to describe the font, the usage of setFont with system fonts is usually just to assign them for tags. The rendering engine knows to derive bold/italic/bigger/smaller fonts from other system fonts (default or tag fonts) even if not added.

fontKey - The font key in the format described above
font - The actual LWUIT font object


public void setParser(HTMLParser parser)
Sets a custom HTMLParser for this HTMLComponent By default, a new HTMLParser instance is created for each HTMLComponent, use this method if you have a custom parser.

parser - The HTMLParser to use


public void addCharEntity(java.lang.String symbol,
                          int code)
Adds the given symbol and code to the user defined char entities table. Symbols do not need to include leading & and trailing ; - these will be trimmed if given as the symbol

symbol - The symbol to add
code - The symbol's code


public static void addSpecialKey(java.lang.String specialKeyName,
                                 int specialKeyCode)
Adds support for a special key to be used as an accesskey. The CSS property -wap-accesskey supports special keys, for example "phone-send" that may have different key codes per device. This method allows pairing between such keys to their respective key codes. Note that these keys are valid only for -wap-aceesskey in CSS files, and not for the XHTML accesskey attribute.

specialKeyName - The name of the special key as denoted in CSS files
specialKeyCode - The special key code


public void addCharEntitiesRange(java.lang.String[] symbols,
                                 int startcode)
Adds the given symbols array to the user defined char entities table with the startcode provided as the code of the first string, startcode+1 for the second etc. Some strings in the symbols array may be null thus skipping code numbers.

symbols - The symbols to add
startcode - The symbol's code


public static void setMaxThreads(int threadsNum)
Sets the maximum number of threads to use for image download

threadsNum - the maximum number of threads to use for image download


public static void setCSSSupportedMediaTypes(java.lang.String[] supportedMediaTypes)
Sets the supported CSS media types to the given strings. Usually the default media types ("all","handheld") should be suitable, but in case this runs on a device that matches another profile, the developer can specify it here.

supportedMediaTypes - A string array containing the media types that should be supported


public DocumentRequestHandler getRequestHandler()
Returns the document request handler

the document request handler


public DocumentInfo getDocumentInfo()
Returns the DocumentInfo that currently represents the document loaded/shown

the DocumentInfo that currently represents the document loaded/shown


public void setHTMLCallback(HTMLCallback callback)
Sets an HTMLCallback to listen to this HTMLCOmponent

callback - The HTMLCallback that will receive events


public HTMLCallback getHTMLCallback()
Returns the HTMLCallback that is set on this HTMLComponent

the HTMLCallback that is set on this HTMLComponent or null if none


public void setDefaultFont(java.lang.String fontKey,
                           Font font)
Sets the default font for this HTMLComponent

fontKey - The font key in the format described in setFont (Can be null for default font, but it is recommended to add a descriptive key if this is a bitmap font to enable the font engine to use it in other cases as well)
font - The actual LWUIT font object


public void setShowImages(boolean show)
Sets whether this HTMLComponent will download and show linked images or not

show - true to show images, false otherwise


public void setIgnoreCSS(boolean ignore)
Sets whether this HTMLComponent will ignore all CSS.directives. This includes external CSS files (which won't be downloaded), embedded CSS segmentsand style tags and attributes. By default this is false.

ignore - true to ignore CSS directives, false otherwise


public void scrollPixels(int pixels,
                         boolean animate)
Scrolls the HTMLComponent several pixels forward/backward.

pixels - The number of pixels to scroll (positive for forward and negative for backward)
animate - true to animate the scrolling, false otherwise


public void scrollPages(int pages,
                        boolean animate)
Scrolls the HTMLComponent several pages forward/backward. TO scroll to the start or end of the document, one can provide a very big number.

pages - The number of pages to scroll (positive for forward and negative for backward)
animate - true to animate the scrolling, false otherwise


public void scrollToElement(HTMLElement element,
                            boolean animate)
Scrolls the HTMLComponent to the specified element

element - The element to scroll to (must be contained in the document)
animate - true to animate the scrolling, false otherwise
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the element is not contained in the current document.


public void setBodyText(java.lang.String htmlText)
Sets the given string containing HTML code as this HTMLComponent's body

htmlText - The HTML body to set


public boolean setBodyText(java.lang.String htmlText,
                           java.lang.String encoding)
Sets the given string containing HTML code as this HTMLComponent's body. The string is read using the specified encoding. If the encoding is not supported it will be read without encoding

htmlText - The HTML body to set
encoding - The encoding to use when reading the HTML i.e. UTF8, ISO-8859-1 etc.
true if the encoding succeeded, false otherwise


public boolean setHTML(java.lang.String htmlText,
                       java.lang.String encoding,
                       java.lang.String title,
                       boolean isFullHTML)
Sets the given string containing HTML code either as this HTMLComponent's body or as the full HTML. The string is read using the specified encoding. If the encoding is not supported it will be read without encoding

htmlText - The HTML to set
encoding - The encoding to use when reading the HTML i.e. UTF8, ISO-8859-1 etc.
title - The HTML title, or null if none (Used only when isFullHTML is false)
isFullHTML - true if this is a full HTML document (with html/body tags), false if this HTML should be used as the HTMLComponent's body
true if the encoding succeeded, false otherwise


public void cancel()
Cancels the loading of the current page


public void setPage(java.lang.String pageURL)
Sets this HTMLComponent to render the document in the specified URL

pageURL - The URL containing the HTML document


public void setPageStyle(Style pageStyle)
Sets the style of the page, allowing for example to set transparency to the main page. This applies not only to the current page, but rather to all pages created with this HTMLComponent instance. If both a UIID and a pageStyle were set, the style overrides the UIID.

pageStyle - The style to set to the page


public void setPageUIID(java.lang.String pageUIID)
Sets the UIID of the page (the internal container) This applies not only to the current page, but rather to all pages created with this HTMLComponent instance. If both a UIID and a pageStyle were set, the style overrides the UIID.

pageUIID - The UIID that should be applied to the page


public void streamReady( is,
                        DocumentInfo docInfo)
This method should be called only by AsyncDocumentRequestHandler implementations after an async fetch of a document

Specified by:
streamReady in interface AsyncDocumentRequestHandler.IOCallback
is - The InputStream of the document
docInfo - The document info


public void setDOM(HTMLElement dom)
Sets this HTMLComponent to render the document in the specified DOM. Note that relative links if any will be disabled. To allow relative links with DOM use setDOM(HTMLElement dom,String baseURL)

dom - An HTMLElement representing the root of the HTML document
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the HTMLElement supplied is not an 'html' tag


public void setDOM(HTMLElement dom,
                   java.lang.String baseURL)
Sets this HTMLComponent to render the document in the specified DOM

dom - An HTMLElement representing the root of the HTML document
baseURL - The base URL for this DOM (Necessary if document references relative links)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the HTMLElement supplied is not an 'html' tag


public HTMLElement getDOM()
Returns the DOM representing this document

An HTMLElement representing the entire current HTML document
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the page is still loading


public void refreshDOM()
Refreshes the current DOM so it any changes done after loading will be rendered.


public void setEventsEnabled(boolean enabled)
Sets whether the active controls in the HTML will trigger events, and whether the DOM will change dynamically due to user input. If so the events are dispatched via HTMLCallback methods actionPerformed, focusGained/Lost, selectionChanged and dataChanged The default is false in order not to add more overhead if these are not needed.

enabled - true to enable event dispatching, false otherwise


public boolean isEventsEnabled()
Returns the current status of the events enabled flag

true if events are enabled, false if not


public void setAutoFocusOnFirstLink(boolean autoFocus)
Determines whether to auto-focus on the first link after page load Note that focusing will happen only if the link is within a visible range (no scrolling is performed since this is rarely a wanted behaviour in this case)

autoFocus - true to auto-focus, false otherwise


public boolean animate()
Description copied from interface: Animation
Allows the animation to reduce "repaint" calls when it returns false. It is called once for every frame. Frames are defined by the Display class.

Specified by:
animate in interface Animation
animate in class Component
true if a repaint is desired or false if no repaint is necessary


public java.lang.String getTitle()
Returns the HTML page's title as described in its TITLE tag

the HTML page's title as described in its TITLE tag


public java.lang.String getPageURL()
Returns the page's URL

the current page's URL


public int getPageStatus()
Returns the page status

the page status (One of the STATUS_* constants in HTMLCallback)


protected void initComponent()
Overrides initComponent to add the key listeners to the access keys when the component is first added to the form/displayed This is useful when the component is added only after the page was read

initComponent in class Component


protected void deinitialize()
If the component is taken off for any reason, makes sure access keys are not active

deinitialize in class Component


public void layoutContainer()
Performs the layout of the container if a layout is necessary

layoutContainer in class Container


public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
Invoked when an action occurred on a component

Specified by:
actionPerformed in interface ActionListener
evt - event object describing the source of the action as well as its trigger


public java.lang.String[] getPropertyNames()
Description copied from class: Component
A component may expose mutable property names for a UI designer to manipulate, this API is designed for usage internally by the GUI builder code

getPropertyNames in class Component
the property names allowing mutation


public java.lang.Class[] getPropertyTypes()
Description copied from class: Component
Matches the property names method (see that method for further details).

getPropertyTypes in class Component
the types of the properties


public java.lang.Object getPropertyValue(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from class: Component
Returns the current value of the property name, this method is used by the GUI builder

getPropertyValue in class Component
name - the name of the property
the value of said property


public java.lang.String setPropertyValue(java.lang.String name,
                                         java.lang.Object value)
Description copied from class: Component
Sets a new value to the given property, returns an error message if failed and null if successful. Notice that some builtin properties such as "$designMode" might be sent to components to indicate application state.

setPropertyValue in class Component
name - the name of the property
value - new value for the property
error message or null