Uses of Class

Packages that use HTMLComponent
com.sun.lwuit.html The HTML package allows rendering XHTML-MP 1.0 documents including WCSS support. 

Uses of HTMLComponent in com.sun.lwuit.html

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.html with parameters of type HTMLComponent
 void HTMLCallback.actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, HTMLComponent htmlC, HTMLElement element)
          Called whenever an ActionEvent is triggered in one of the controls in the HTMLComponent For example, button press, checkbox/radiobutton check etc.
 void DefaultHTMLCallback.actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, HTMLComponent htmlC, HTMLElement element)
          Called whenever an ActionEvent is triggered in one of the controls in the HTMLComponent For example, button press, checkbox/radiobutton check etc.
 void HTMLCallback.dataChanged(int type, int index, HTMLComponent htmlC, TextField textField, HTMLElement element)
          Called when the user types in a TextField inside the HTMLComponent This method will be called only if HTMLComponent.isEventsEnabled() is true
 void DefaultHTMLCallback.dataChanged(int type, int index, HTMLComponent htmlC, TextField textField, HTMLElement element)
          Called when the user types in a TextField inside the HTMLComponent This method will be called only if HTMLComponent.isEventsEnabled() is true
 java.lang.String HTMLCallback.fieldSubmitted(HTMLComponent htmlC, TextArea ta, java.lang.String actionURL, java.lang.String id, java.lang.String value, int type, java.lang.String errorMsg)
          Called whenever a field is submitted to a form.
 java.lang.String DefaultHTMLCallback.fieldSubmitted(HTMLComponent htmlC, TextArea ta, java.lang.String actionURL, java.lang.String id, java.lang.String value, int type, java.lang.String errorMsg)
          Called whenever a field is submitted to a form.
 void HTMLCallback.focusGained(Component cmp, HTMLComponent htmlC, HTMLElement element)
          Called when one of the controls in the HTMLComponent obtained focus This method will be called only if HTMLComponent.isEventsEnabled() is true
 void DefaultHTMLCallback.focusGained(Component cmp, HTMLComponent htmlC, HTMLElement element)
          Called when one of the controls in the HTMLComponent obtained focus This method will be called only if HTMLComponent.isEventsEnabled() is true
 void HTMLCallback.focusLost(Component cmp, HTMLComponent htmlC, HTMLElement element)
          Called when one of the controls in the HTMLComponent lost focus This method will be called only if HTMLComponent.isEventsEnabled() is true
 void DefaultHTMLCallback.focusLost(Component cmp, HTMLComponent htmlC, HTMLElement element)
          Called when one of the controls in the HTMLComponent lost focus This method will be called only if HTMLComponent.isEventsEnabled() is true
 java.lang.String HTMLCallback.getAutoComplete(HTMLComponent htmlC, java.lang.String actionURL, java.lang.String id)
          Called on form creation and enabled implementations of this method to return a value to preset in a form field.
 java.lang.String DefaultHTMLCallback.getAutoComplete(HTMLComponent htmlC, java.lang.String actionURL, java.lang.String id)
          Called on form creation and enabled implementations of this method to return a value to preset in a form field.
 int HTMLCallback.getLinkProperties(HTMLComponent htmlC, java.lang.String url)
          Returns properties about the given link to indicate to HTMLComponent how to render it Note that this method is always called NOT on the EDT thread.
 int DefaultHTMLCallback.getLinkProperties(HTMLComponent htmlC, java.lang.String url)
          Returns properties about the given link to indicate to HTMLComponent how to render it Note that this method is always called NOT on the EDT thread.
 boolean HTMLCallback.linkClicked(HTMLComponent htmlC, java.lang.String url)
          Called when a link is clicked.
 boolean DefaultHTMLCallback.linkClicked(HTMLComponent htmlC, java.lang.String url)
          Called when a link is clicked.
 void HTMLCallback.pageStatusChanged(HTMLComponent htmlC, int status, java.lang.String url)
          Called when the page status has been changed
 void DefaultHTMLCallback.pageStatusChanged(HTMLComponent htmlC, int status, java.lang.String url)
          Called when the page status has been changed
 void HTMLCallback.selectionChanged(int oldSelected, int newSelected, HTMLComponent htmlC, List list, HTMLElement element)
          Called when the user selects an item in a List inside the HTMLComponent Note: Selection is traversing through the items - once the user has actually decided, an ActionEvent will be sent as well This method will be called only if HTMLComponent.isEventsEnabled() is true
 void DefaultHTMLCallback.selectionChanged(int oldSelected, int newSelected, HTMLComponent htmlC, List list, HTMLElement element)
          Called when the user selects an item in a List inside the HTMLComponent Note: Selection is traversing through the items - once the user has actually decided, an ActionEvent will be sent as well This method will be called only if HTMLComponent.isEventsEnabled() is true
 void HTMLCallback.titleUpdated(HTMLComponent htmlC, java.lang.String title)
          Called when the page's title is updated
 void DefaultHTMLCallback.titleUpdated(HTMLComponent htmlC, java.lang.String title)
          Called when the page's title is updated