Uses of Class

Packages that use GroupLayout.Group
com.sun.lwuit.layouts Layout managers allow a Container to arrange its components by a set of rules that would be adapted for specific screen/font sizes. 

Uses of GroupLayout.Group in com.sun.lwuit.layouts

Subclasses of GroupLayout.Group in com.sun.lwuit.layouts
 class GroupLayout.ParallelGroup
          A Group that lays out its elements on top of each other.
 class GroupLayout.SequentialGroup
          A Group that lays out its elements sequentially, one after another.

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.layouts that return GroupLayout.Group
 GroupLayout.Group GroupLayout.getHorizontalGroup()
          Returns the Group that is responsible for layout along the horizontal axis.
 GroupLayout.Group GroupLayout.getVerticalGroup()
          Returns the ParallelGroup that is responsible for layout along the vertical axis.

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.layouts with parameters of type GroupLayout.Group
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.add(boolean useAsBaseline, GroupLayout.Group group)
          Adds a Group to this Group.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.add(GroupLayout.Group group)
          Adds the specified Group to this SequentialGroup
 GroupLayout.ParallelGroup GroupLayout.ParallelGroup.add(GroupLayout.Group group)
          Adds the specified Group.
 GroupLayout.ParallelGroup GroupLayout.ParallelGroup.add(int alignment, GroupLayout.Group group)
          Adds the specified Group as a child of this group.
 void GroupLayout.setHorizontalGroup(GroupLayout.Group group)
          Sets the Group that is responsible for layout along the horizontal axis.
 void GroupLayout.setVerticalGroup(GroupLayout.Group group)
          Sets the Group that is responsible for layout along the vertical axis.