Uses of Class

Packages that use GroupLayout.SequentialGroup
com.sun.lwuit.layouts Layout managers allow a Container to arrange its components by a set of rules that would be adapted for specific screen/font sizes. 

Uses of GroupLayout.SequentialGroup in com.sun.lwuit.layouts

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.layouts that return GroupLayout.SequentialGroup
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.add(boolean useAsBaseline, Component component)
          Adds a Component to this Group.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.add(boolean useAsBaseline, Component component, int min, int pref, int max)
          Adds a Component to this Group with the specified size.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.add(boolean useAsBaseline, GroupLayout.Group group)
          Adds a Group to this Group.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.add(Component component)
          Adds the specified Component.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.add(Component component, int min, int pref, int max)
          Adds the specified Component.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.add(GroupLayout.Group group)
          Adds the specified Group to this SequentialGroup
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.add(int pref)
          Adds a rigid gap.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.add(int min, int pref, int max)
          Adds a gap with the specified size.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addContainerGap()
          Adds an element representing the preferred gap between one edge of the container and the next/previous Component.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addContainerGap(int pref, int max)
          Adds an element representing the preferred gap between one edge of the container and the next/previous Component.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addPreferredGap(Component comp1, Component comp2, int type)
          Adds an element representing the preferred gap between the two components.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addPreferredGap(Component comp1, Component comp2, int type, boolean canGrow)
          Adds an element representing the preferred gap between the two components.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addPreferredGap(int type)
          Adds an element representing the preferred gap between the nearest components.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addPreferredGap(int type, int pref, int max)
          Adds an element for the preferred gap between the nearest components.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.createSequentialGroup()
          Creates and returns a SequentialGroup.