Uses of Class

Packages that use LayoutStyle
com.sun.lwuit.layouts Layout managers allow a Container to arrange its components by a set of rules that would be adapted for specific screen/font sizes. 

Uses of LayoutStyle in com.sun.lwuit.layouts

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.layouts that return LayoutStyle
 LayoutStyle GroupLayout.getLayoutStyle()
          Returns the LayoutStyle instance to use
static LayoutStyle LayoutStyle.getSharedInstance()
          Factory methods for obtaining the current LayoutStyle object appropriate for the current look and feel.

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.layouts with parameters of type LayoutStyle
 void GroupLayout.setLayoutStyle(LayoutStyle layoutStyle)
          Sets the LayoutStyle this GroupLayout is to use.
static void LayoutStyle.setSharedInstance(LayoutStyle layout)
          Sets the LayoutStyle instance to use for this look and feel.