IMPORT_C void GetIntAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId,
const TUint aSubConnectionId,
const TUint aAttribute,
TInt& aValue,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
IMPORT_C TInt SetIntAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId,
const TUint aSubConnectionId,
const TUint aAttribute,
const TInt aValue ) const;
with aAttribute set to KProtocolType.
IMPORT_C void GetBoolAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId,
const TUint aSubConnectionId,
const TUint aAttribute,
TBool& aValue,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
IMPORT_C TInt SetBoolAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId,
const TUint aSubConnectionId,
const TUint aAttribute,
const TBool aValue ) const;
with aAttribute KConnectionStop or KConnectionStopAll.
IMPORT_C void GetStringAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId,
const TUint aSubConnectionId,
const TUint aAttribute,
TDes& aValue,
TRequestStatus& aStatus ) const;
IMPORT_C TInt SetStringAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId,
const TUint aSubConnectionId,
const TUint aAttribute,
const TDes& aValue ) const;
with aAttribute set to KAccessPointName or KNetworkName.
IMPORT_C void GetStringAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId,
const TUint aSubConnectionId,
const TUint aAttribute,
TDes& aValue,
TRequestStatus& aStatus ) const;
IMPORT_C TInt SetStringAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId,
const TUint aSubConnectionId,
const TUint aAttribute,
const TDes& aValue ) const;
with aAttribute set to KTelNumber.
IMPORT_C void GetPckgAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId,
const TUint aSubConnectionId,
const TUint aAttribute,
TDes8& aValue,
TRequestStatus& aStatus ) const;
IMPORT_C TInt SetPckgAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId,
const TUint aSubConnectionId,
const TUint aAttribute,
const TDes8& aValue ) const;
with aAttribute set to KClientInfo.
Data Structures |
class | TConnMonClientEnum |
class | TConnMonNetwork |
class | TConnMonNetworkNames |
class | TConnMonIap |
class | TConnMonIapInfo |
class | TConnMonSNAPId |
class | TConnMonSNAPInfo |
class | TConnMonBearerGroupInfo |
class | CConnMonWlanNetwork |
| CConnMonWlanNetwork is a class, incapsulated Wlan network abstraction Is able to be transferred through processes (client/server) in object's size-independent manner, to meet backward/forward compatibility. More...
class | CConnMonWlanNetworksPtrArrayPckg |
| Package of array of items of class CConnMonWlanNetwork. More...
class | MDesSerializer< T > |
| Interface template for the class T serialization to/from HBuf/TPtr Class T could be any type of class (T, C, etc). More...
class | TConnMonId |
| Id MDesSerializer - abstract interface for class serialization ConnMonTId class declaration. More...
class | ConnMonIdsArrayPckg |
| Package of array of items of class TConnMonId. More...
class | MConnectionMonitorObserver |
| MConnectionMonitorObserver Client application must implement the MConnectionMonitorObserver interface in order to receive notifications. More...
class | RConnectionMonitor |
| RConnectionMonitor. More...
class | CConnMonEventBase |
| CConnMonEventBase Base class for all event types. More...
class | CConnMonCreateConnection |
| CConnMonCreateConnection Event is triggered when a new connection has been been created. More...
class | CConnMonDeleteConnection |
| CConnMonDeleteConnection Event is triggered when a connection has been been deleted. More...
class | CConnMonCreateSubConnection |
| CConnMonCreateSubConnection Event is triggered when a new subconnection has been been created. More...
class | CConnMonDeleteSubConnection |
| CConnMonDeleteSubConnection Event is triggered when a subconnection has been been deleted. More...
class | CConnMonDownlinkDataThreshold |
| CConnMonDownlinkDataThreshold Event is triggered when there is a change in the volume of downlink data for some connection. More...
class | CConnMonUplinkDataThreshold |
| CConnMonUplinkDataThreshold Event is triggered when there is a change in the volume of uplink data for some connection. More...
class | CConnMonNetworkStatusChange |
| CConnMonNetworkStatusChange Event is triggered when network status changes for some connection. More...
class | CConnMonConnectionStatusChange |
| CConnMonConnectionStatusChange Event is triggered when the status of some connection changes. More...
class | CConnMonConnectionActivityChange |
| CConnMonConnectionActivityChange Event is triggered when some connection changes from active to idle or vice versa. More...
class | CConnMonNetworkRegistrationChange |
| CConnMonNetworkRegistrationChange Event is triggered when network registration status (GSM/GPRS/WCDMA) changes. More...
class | CConnMonBearerChange |
| CConnMonBearerChange Event is triggered when bearer type (GPRS / Edge GPRS / WCDMA) changes. More...
class | CConnMonSignalStrengthChange |
| CConnMonSignalStrengthChange Event is triggered when signal strength (dB) changes. More...
class | CConnMonBearerAvailabilityChange |
| CConnMonBearerAvailabilityChange Event is triggered when the availability of some bearer changes. More...
class | CConnMonGenericEvent |
| CConnMonGenericEvent Event is triggered when a plug-in engine sends a bearer specific event that is unknown to the Connection Monitor server. More...
class | CConnMonIapAvailabilityChange |
| CConnMonIapAvailabilityChange Event is triggered when when IAP Availability changes. More...
class | CConnMonTransmitPowerChange |
| CConnMonTransmitPowerChange Event is triggered when the used transmit power (mW) changes (WLAN). More...
class | CConnMonSNAPsAvailabilityChange |
| CConnMonSNAPsAvailabilityChange Event is triggered when when SNAPs Availability changes. More...
class | CConnMonNewWLANNetworkDetected |
| CConnNewWLANNetworkDetected Event is triggered when new WLAN network is detected. More...
class | CConnMonOldWLANNetworkLost |
| CConnOldWLANNetworkLost Event is triggered when old WLAN network is lost. More...
class | CConnMonPacketDataUnavailable |
| CConnMonPacketDataUnavailable Event is triggered when dual transfer mode is not supported and call status changes resulting in blocking of packet data connections Connection id passed in the event is generic TConnMonBearerGPRS or TConnMonBearerWCDMA. More...
class | CConnMonPacketDataAvailable |
| CConnMonPacketDataAvailable Event is triggered when packet data connections are no longer being unavailable because of no dual transfer mode support and simultaneous phone call being active Connection id passed in the event is generic TConnMonBearerGPRS or TConnMonBearerWCDMA. More...
class | CConnMonBearerInfoChange |
| CConnMonBearerInfoChange Event is triggered when bearer info for the connection changes or if the network mode changes e.g. More...
class | CConnMonBearerGroupChange |
| CConnMonBearerGroupChange Event is triggered when bearer group(s) for the connection changes. More...
Typedefs |
typedef TPckgBuf< TTime > | TConnMonTimeBuf |
typedef TPckgBuf< TConnMonClientEnum > | TConnMonClientEnumBuf |
typedef TPckgBuf< TConnMonNetworkNames > | TConnMonNetworkNamesBuf |
typedef TPckgBuf< TConnMonIapInfo > | TConnMonIapInfoBuf |
typedef TPckgBuf< TConnMonSNAPInfo > | TConnMonSNAPInfoBuf |
typedef TPckgBuf< TConnMonBearerGroupInfo > | TConnMonBearerGroupInfoBuf |
typedef RPointerArray< CConnMonWlanNetwork > | RConnMonWlanNetworksPtrArray |
typedef RArray< TConnMonId > | RConnMonIdsArray |
Enumerations |
enum | TConnMonBearerType {
EBearerUnknown = 0,
EBearerCSD = 1,
EBearerWCDMA = 2,
EBearerLAN = 3,
EBearerCDMA2000 = 4,
EBearerGPRS = 5,
EBearerHSCSD = 6,
EBearerEdgeGPRS = 7,
EBearerWLAN = 8,
EBearerBluetooth = 9,
EBearerVirtual = 10,
EBearerVirtualVPN = 11,
EBearerWcdmaCSD = 12,
EBearerExternalCSD = 30,
EBearerExternalWCDMA = 31,
EBearerExternalLAN = 32,
EBearerExternalCDMA2000 = 33,
EBearerExternalGPRS = 34,
EBearerExternalHSCSD = 35,
EBearerExternalEdgeGPRS = 36,
EBearerExternalWLAN = 37,
EBearerExternalBluetooth = 38,
EBearerExternalWcdmaCSD = 39
} |
enum | TConnMonBearerId {
EBearerIdAll = 0,
EBearerIdGPRS = 2000000,
EBearerIdWCDMA = 2000001,
EBearerIdCSD = 2000002,
EBearerIdGSM = 2000003,
EBearerIdWLAN = 2000004,
EBearerIdLAN = 2000005,
EBearerIdWcdmaCSD = 2000006,
EBearerIdCDMA2000 = 2000007,
EBearerIdVirtualVPN = 2000008
} |
enum | TConnMonNetworkStatus {
EConnMonStatusNotAvailable = 0,
} |
enum | TConnMonProtocolType {
EProtocolTypeUnknown = 0,
} |
enum | TConnMonAsyncRequest {
EConnMonGetConnectionCount = 1,
} |
enum | TConnMonEvent {
EConnMonCreateConnection = 1,
EConnMonDeleteConnection = 2,
EConnMonCreateSubConnection = 3,
EConnMonDeleteSubConnection = 4,
EConnMonDownlinkDataThreshold = 5,
EConnMonUplinkDataThreshold = 6,
EConnMonNetworkStatusChange = 7,
EConnMonConnectionStatusChange = 8,
EConnMonConnectionActivityChange = 9,
EConnMonNetworkRegistrationChange = 10,
EConnMonBearerChange = 11,
EConnMonSignalStrengthChange = 12,
EConnMonBearerAvailabilityChange = 13,
EConnMonIapAvailabilityChange = 14,
EConnMonTransmitPowerChange = 15,
EConnMonSNAPsAvailabilityChange = 16,
EConnMonNewWLANNetworkDetected = 17,
EConnMonOldWLANNetworkLost = 18,
EConnMonPacketDataAvailable = 19,
EConnMonPacketDataUnavailable = 20,
EConnMonBearerInfoChange = 21,
EConnMonBearerGroupChange = 22,
EConnMonPluginEventBase = 4000000
} |
enum | TConnMonNetworkRegistration {
ENetworkRegistrationNotAvailable = 0,
} |
enum | TQosTrafficClass { EQosTrafficClassConversational = 1,
} |
enum | TQosDeliveryOrder { EQosDeliveryOrderYes = 1,
} |
enum | TQosErroneousSDUDelivery { EQosErroneousSDUDeliveryYes = 1,
} |
enum | TQosBitErrorRatio {
EQosBERFivePerHundred = 1,
} |
enum | TQosSDUErrorRatio {
EQosSDUErrorRatioOnePerHundred = 1,
} |
enum | TConnMonRequests {
EReqGetConnectionCount = 0,
EReqGetConnectionInfo = 1,
EReqGetSubConnectionInfo = 2,
EReqGetIntAttribute = 3,
EReqGetUintAttribute = 4,
EReqGetBoolAttribute = 5,
EReqGetStringAttribute = 6,
EReqGetPckgAttribute = 7,
EReqSetIntAttribute = 8,
EReqSetUintAttribute = 9,
EReqSetBoolAttribute = 10,
EReqSetStringAttribute = 11,
EReqSetPckgAttribute = 12,
EReqCancelAsyncRequest = 13,
EReqReceiveEvent = 14,
EReqCancelReceiveEvent = 15,
EReqPluginCreateSubSession = 500,
EReqPluginCloseSubSession = 501,
EReqPluginRegisterAttribute = 502,
EReqPluginCancelRegisterAttribute = 503,
EReqPluginEvent = 504,
EReqPluginGetQuery = 505,
EReqPluginCancelGetQuery = 506,
EReqPluginAttribute = 507,
EReqInternalSetThreshold = 600,
EReqInternalResetThreshold = 601
} |
enum | TConnMonNetworkMode { EConnMonInfraStructure = 0,
EConnMonAdHoc = 1,
EConnMonSecureInfra = 2
} |
enum | TConnMonSecurityMode {
EConnMonSecurityOpen = 0,
EConnMonSecurityWep = 1,
EConnMonSecurity802d1x = 2,
EConnMonSecurityWpa = 3,
EConnMonSecurityWpaPsk = 4
} |
enum | TConnMonMobilePhoneNetworkMode {
EConnMonNetworkModeUnknown = 0,
} |
| Defines Current Network Modes. More...
enum | TConnMonBearerGroup {
EBearerGroupUnknown = 0,
EBearerGroupCellular = 0x00000001,
EBearerGroupNonCellular = 0x00000002,
EBearerGroupCellularPacket = 0x00000004,
EBearerGroupCircuitSwitched = 0x00000008,
EBearerGroup2G = 0x00000010,
EBearerGroup2GPacket = 0x00000020,
EBearerGroup3G = 0x00000040,
EBearerGroup3GPacket = 0x00000080,
EBearerGroupHSPA = 0x00000100,
EBearerGroupLANBased = 0x00000200,
EBearerGroupWLAN = 0x00000400,
EBearerGroupIPOverConnectivityProtocol = 0x00000800,
EBearerGroupWired = 0x00001000,
EBearerGroupVirtual = 0x00002000
} |
enum | TConnMonBearerInfo {
EBearerInfoUnknown = 0,
} |
Variables |
const TUint | KBearer = 1 |
const TUint | KNetworkStatus = 2 |
const TUint | KConnectionStatus = 3 |
const TUint | KProtocolType = 4 |
const TUint | KNetworkRegistration = 5 |
const TUint | KSignalStrength = 6 |
const TUint | KNetworkMode = 7 |
const TUint | KSecurityMode = 8 |
const TUint | KBearerInfo = 9 |
const TUint | KTrafficClass = 30 |
const TUint | KDeliveryOrder = 31 |
const TUint | KErroneousSDUDelivery = 32 |
const TUint | KResidualBitErrorRatio = 33 |
const TUint | KSDUErrorRatio = 34 |
const TUint | KDownlinkData = 100 |
const TUint | KUplinkData = 101 |
const TUint | KIAPId = 102 |
const TUint | KNetworkIdentifier = 103 |
const TUint | KTransmitPower = 104 |
const TUint | KMobilePhoneNetworkMode = 105 |
const TUint | KMaximumBitrateDownlink = 130 |
const TUint | KMaximumBitrateUplink = 131 |
const TUint | KMaximumSDUSize = 132 |
const TUint | KTransferDelay = 133 |
const TUint | KGuaranteedBitrateDownlink = 134 |
const TUint | KGuaranteedBitrateUplink = 135 |
const TUint | KTrafficHandlingPriority = 136 |
const TUint | KActivityTimeThreshold = 150 |
const TUint | KDownlinkDataThreshold = 151 |
const TUint | KUplinkDataThreshold = 152 |
const TUint | KBearerAvailabilityThreshold = 153 |
const TUint | KSignalStrengthThreshold = 154 |
const TUint | KBearerGroupThreshold = 155 |
const TUint | KConnectionActive = 200 |
const TUint | KBearerAvailability = 201 |
const TUint | KPacketDataAvailability = 202 |
const TUint | KConnectionStop = 250 |
const TUint | KConnectionStopAll = 251 |
const TUint | KIAPName = 300 |
const TUint | KAccessPointName = 301 |
const TUint | KTelNumber = 302 |
const TUint | KNetworkName = 303 |
const TUint | KStartTime = 400 |
const TUint | KClientInfo = 401 |
const TUint | KNetworkNames = 402 |
const TUint | KIapAvailability = 403 |
const TUint | KWLANNetworks = 404 |
const TUint | KSNAPsAvailability = 405 |
const TUint | KAvailableSNAPsIds = 406 |
const TUint | KWlanNetworks = 407 |
const TUint | KBearerGroupInfo = 408 |
const TUint | KConnMonPluginAttributeBase = 3000000 |
const TUint | KConnMonMaxPluginDataSize = 512 |
const TUint | KConnMonMaxStringAttributeLength = 64 |
const TUint | KConnMonMaxClientUids = 10 |
const TUint | KConnMonMaxNetworkCount = 10 |
const TUint | KConnMonMaxIAPCount = 25 |
const TUint | KConnMonMaxSNAPsCount = 25 |