Progress indicators

Progress indicators are shown to indicate a wait state. If the possible flow is interrupted (waiting for a list item or waiting for the entire list) for more than 1 second, you should show a progress indicator.

  • Application must use determinate progress indicator if process may take longer than 5 seconds.
  • Application can use indeterminate progress indicator if process takes less than 5 seconds.
  • Do not combine information about remaining time or work units with an indeterminate progress indicator.
  • In LCDUI:
    • Determinate progress indicator is Gauge with Gauge.INCREMENTAL_UPDATING or Gauge.INCREMENTAL_IDLE as initial value.
    • Indeterminate progress indicator is Gauge with Gauge.CONTINUOUS_RUNNING or Gauge.CONTINUOUS_IDLE as initial value.
Note: Use the following Command/StringItem label terminology:
  • "Quit" stops the process and keeps everything achieved so far; it is not possible to continue with the process.
  • "Pause" stops the process and keeps everything achieved so far; it is possible to continue with the process at a later stage.
  • "Cancel" aborts the process and discards all changes made so far.

Progress indicators in Alerts

  • Indeterminate (continuous) and determinate (incremental) progress indicators possible.
  • If the process takes longer than 3 seconds, add a Command to abort, stop or pause the process.
    • 0-3 Commands possible (see Buttons for more information).
  • Alerts cannot listen to application events, but visibility can be controlled elsewhere in the code.
    • For example, when a download is triggered from a Form, an Alert can be set visible with an incremental Gauge.
    • The Gauge value can be increased through the Form which knows the current status of the download.
    • When the download is complete, the Alert is removed from the foreground.
  • Other optional items for Alerts:
    • Title (note that space for the title is reserved even though the title is not specified).
    • Icon.

Progress indicators in Forms

  • Indeterminate and determinate progress indicators possible.
  • Use the Gauge label to specify what the indicator is representing.
  • If the process takes longer than 3 seconds, add a way to abort, stop or pause the process.
    • StringItem with type BUTTON.