Dialog is used for:
Appears on top of the application content area, centered on screen.
0, 1, and 2 button dialogs are directly supported.
Custom solutions required for:
Can listen to threads; those must be started before the dialog
is displayed.
Platform specific features:
Related design guidelines
It is not recommended to use Dialog
in the pop-up dialog mode, since it
is not part of the Series 40 UI style in any of the three platform
releases (non-touch, touch and type or full touch).
Figure: Dialog with title, icon and 1 button
Dialogs are typically dismissed by pressing a dedicated button,
for example:
'OK', when alert is purely informative.
'Cancel', when there is an ongoing operation.
Buttons can be used for short commands only (for example: Yes,
No, Cancel, Back, etc.)
Title is recommended; if title is not defined, the title zone
is shown but is empty.
In case the text is dynamic, split it up into title and body;
for example:
Body text is limited and cannot be scrolled by default.
If long body text is necessary, open a new text view instead.
New view might require additional buttons like "OK" and "Cancel",
icons might not be sufficient (i.e., Back arrow and checkmark in action
button 1).
Fully supported:
0 buttons, timed dialog.
1 button.
2 buttons.
Custom solutions:
3 buttons.
Additional icon.
Determinate progress indicator (modified slider).
Indeterminate progress indicator (busy indicator, UI component
itself requires a custom solution).
Figure: Timed dialog
Figure: 1 button dialog (default dialog)
Figure: 2 button dialog
The UI style is based on dialogs with up to 3 buttons.
In LWUIT, only up to 2 buttons directly supported.
If 0 buttons are used:
If 1 button is used (confirmation):
This is the default dialog.
Stays on the screen until user taps the button.
Ensures that user has had time to read the text because:
If 2 buttons are used (confirmation query):
LWUIT does not directly support all use cases which
are necessary to fully support the Series 40 UI style. The following
use cases require custom solutions.
Figure: 3 button dialog
Figure: Icon in dialog
Figure: Progress indicator
in dialog
Figure: Busy indicator in dialog
specific features
Full touch
Touch and type
Figure: Dialog with icon and 3 buttons in full touch (custom solution)
Figure: Dialog with icon and 3 buttons as softkeys in touch and type
(custom solution)
Figure: Dialog with icon and 3 buttons as softkeys in non-touch (custom
Full touch:
Buttons are part of the dialog area.
3rd button (main action) is placed on top of other 2 buttons.
Button labels are all caps.
Dialog is centered.
Icon is top-left aligned.
Touch and type:
Only 2 buttons possible.
Buttons are in the softkey area.
(positive command) is in the MSK.
No/Cancel (negative command) is in the RSK.
Button labels are initial caps.
Dialog is bottom aligned.
Icon is top-left
Only 2 buttons possible.
Buttons are in the softkey area.
Yes/OK (positive command) is in the MSK.
No/Cancel (negative command) is in the RSK.
Button labels are initial caps.
Dialog is bottom aligned.
Icon is top-left