Theming and styling

Every LWUIT component has a style associated with it. To provide a consistent and recognisable look and feel or branding to the application, pluggable themes are used. LWUIT themes are similar to CSS and somewhat simpler than Swing's pluggable Look And Feel. LWUIT for Series 40 provides default themes for different Series 40 UI styles but developers can also create custom themes either by deriving from Series 40 themes or by creating completely customised themes.

LookAndFeel enables deeper customisation of a component, for example, defining boundaries (i.e., size) of different component types and painting on all components.

Individual components' style can also be customised manually. The Style object sets colours, fonts, transparency, margin, padding, images, and borders to define the style for a given component. In addition, Painter can be used to provide to create, for example, gradient, tiled, or transparent backgrounds to components.