List is a combinations of text, thumbnails and controls.
Controls can be:
Check box, or
radio button.
A list item can have multiple rows and multiple columns.
Automatically becomes scrollable if it contains more list items
that can be fitted to the view.
Lists can be build from
various Form components (for example, RadioButton, CheckBox, or TextArea).
Related design guidelines
Figure: Explicit choice list with "add" as primary action
Figure: Fancy list (custom solution)
Lists are used for:
Presenting content items in list views.
Enabling drill down navigation.
Invoking actions, for example opening another app.
Standard list item layouts:
One or multiple rows.
Optional icon.
Optional thumbnails.
Optional controls..
Lists may be divided into sections with group headings; use group
headings to index larger data sets (for example, different news categories
on a "news" main page).
List item elements:
Primary text:
Additional information of the item , e.g. duration or price.
Discription of the primary text.
Shows duration, price, or size for the item.
Left aligned, for left-to-right languages.
Can also include informative icon instead of thumbnail image.
Can show a spinner.
Progress bar:
Simple list (implicit choice), single line, truncated, wrapped
Figure: List with single line items
Figure: List with truncated single line items
Figure: List with wrapped single line items
Single line:
One or multiple items are too long for a single line.
Text is truncated and truncation is indicated by "...".
Requires drill down view which shows the entire text.
List with controls;
radion button, check box
Figure: List with radio buttons
Figure: List with check boxes
Radio button (group):
Check box (list):
Custom solutions: fancy
list; list with icon, list with 2 line items and list with 2 line
items and icon
Figure: Fancy list with icon (custom solution)
Figure: Fancy list with 2 line items (custom solution)
Figure: Fancy list with 2 line items and icon
Custom solution: List
with download indicator
Figure: List with download indicator
Download indicator is progress bar or spinner.
Use determinate progress indicator, if possible.
Progress bar is shown under the item.
Spinner is:
Must contain a button to terminate the ongoing process:
Textual button recommended.
"Cancel"; stop and delete everything done so far.
"Quit"; stop and keep everything done so far.
specific features
Full touch
Touch and type
Figure: View in full touch
Figure: View in touch and type
Figure: View in non-touch
Full touch:
Touch and type:
Select (implicit choice, exclusive choice), or
Mark/Unmark (select multiple).