Uses of Class

Packages that use Container
com.sun.lwuit Main widget package containing the component/container "composite" similar both in terminology and design to Swing/AWT. 
com.sun.lwuit.html The HTML package allows rendering XHTML-MP 1.0 documents including WCSS support. 
com.sun.lwuit.layouts Layout managers allow a Container to arrange its components by a set of rules that would be adapted for specific screen/font sizes. 
com.sun.lwuit.list Lists are highly customizable and serve as the basis for ComboBox and other components (such as carousels etc) they employ a similar MVC approach to Swing including the renderer pattern. 
com.sun.lwuit.table Table component for editing and viewing tabular data and arranging LWUIT components in a tabular form  
com.sun.lwuit.tree Tree component for displaying hierarchy based information and its related classes  
com.sun.lwuit.util Utility features that are either too domain specific or don't "fit" into any other packages. 

Uses of Container in com.sun.lwuit

Subclasses of Container in com.sun.lwuit
 class BrowserComponent
          The browser component is an interface to an embeddable native platform browser on platforms that support embedding the native browser in place, if you need wide compatibility and flexibility you should check out the HTMLComponent which provides a lightweight 100% cross platform web component.
 class Calendar
          Date widget for selecting a date/time value.
 class ComponentGroup
          A component group is a container that applies the given UIID to a set of components within it and gives the same UIID with "First"/"Last" prepended to the first and last components.
 class Dialog
          A dialog is a form that occupies a part of the screen and appears as a modal entity to the developer.
 class Form
          Top level component that serves as the root for the UI, this Container handles the menus and title while placing content between them.
 class MenuBar
          This class represents the Form MenuBar.
 class TabbedPane
          Deprecated. see
 class Tabs
          A component that lets the user switch between a group of components by clicking on a tab with a given title and/or icon.
 class VirtualKeyboard
          This class represent the LWUIT Light Weight Virtual Keyboard

Methods in com.sun.lwuit that return Container
protected  Container TextField.createSymbolTable()
          Creates a symbol table container used by the showSymbolDialog method.
 Container Tabs.getContentPane()
          This method retrieves the Tabs content pane
 Container Form.getContentPane()
          This method returns the Content pane instance
 Container Dialog.getContentPane()
 Container Dialog.getDialogComponent()
          Returns the container that actually implements the dialog positioning.
 Container Container.getLeadParent()
          Returns the lead container thats handling the leading, this is useful for a container hierachy where the parent container might not be the leader
 Container Component.getParent()
          Returns the container in which this component is contained
 Container Tabs.getTabsContainer()
          This method retrieves the Tabs buttons Container
 Container Form.getTitleArea()
          Title area manipulation might break with future changes to LWUIT and might damage themeing/functionality of the LWUIT application in some platforms

Methods in com.sun.lwuit with parameters of type Container
protected  int MenuBar.calculateTouchCommandGridColumns(Container grid)
          Calculates the amount of columns to give to the touch commands within the grid

Uses of Container in com.sun.lwuit.html

Subclasses of Container in com.sun.lwuit.html
 class HTMLComponent
          HTMLComponent is a LWUIT Component that renders HTML documents that conform to the XHTML Mobile Profile 1.0

Uses of Container in com.sun.lwuit.layouts

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.layouts with parameters of type Container
 void Layout.addLayoutComponent(java.lang.Object value, Component comp, Container c)
          Some layouts can optionally track the addition of elements with meta-data that allows the user to "hint" on object positioning.
 void BorderLayout.addLayoutComponent(java.lang.Object name, Component comp, Container c)
 int LayoutStyle.getContainerGap(Component component, int position, Container parent)
          Returns the amount of space to position a component inside its parent.
 int LayoutStyle.getPreferredGap(Component component1, Component component2, int type, int position, Container parent)
          Returns the amount of space to use between two components.
abstract  Dimension Layout.getPreferredSize(Container parent)
          Returns the container preferred size
 Dimension LayeredLayout.getPreferredSize(Container parent)
 Dimension GroupLayout.getPreferredSize(Container parent)
          Returns the preferred size for the specified container.
 Dimension GridLayout.getPreferredSize(Container parent)
 Dimension FlowLayout.getPreferredSize(Container parent)
 Dimension CoordinateLayout.getPreferredSize(Container parent)
 Dimension BoxLayout.getPreferredSize(Container parent)
 Dimension BorderLayout.getPreferredSize(Container parent)
abstract  void Layout.layoutContainer(Container parent)
          Layout the given parent container children
 void LayeredLayout.layoutContainer(Container parent)
 void GroupLayout.layoutContainer(Container parent)
          Lays out the specified container.
 void GridLayout.layoutContainer(Container parent)
 void FlowLayout.layoutContainer(Container parent)
 void CoordinateLayout.layoutContainer(Container parent)
 void BoxLayout.layoutContainer(Container parent)
 void BorderLayout.layoutContainer(Container target)

Constructors in com.sun.lwuit.layouts with parameters of type Container
GroupLayout(Container host)
          Creates a GroupLayout for the specified JComponent.

Uses of Container in com.sun.lwuit.list

Subclasses of Container in com.sun.lwuit.list
 class ContainerList
          This is a "list component" implemented as a container with a layout manager which provides some of the ui advantages of a Container and some of a list while pulling out some of the drawbacks of both.

Uses of Container in com.sun.lwuit.table

Subclasses of Container in com.sun.lwuit.table
 class Table
          The table class represents a grid of data that can be used for rendering a grid of components/labels.

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.table with parameters of type Container
 void TableLayout.addLayoutComponent(java.lang.Object value, Component comp, Container c)
 Dimension TableLayout.getPreferredSize(Container parent)
 void TableLayout.layoutContainer(Container parent)

Uses of Container in com.sun.lwuit.tree

Subclasses of Container in com.sun.lwuit.tree
 class Tree
          The tree component allows constructing simple tree component hierechies that can be expaneded seamingly with no limit.

Uses of Container in com.sun.lwuit.util

Subclasses of Container in com.sun.lwuit.util
 class EmbeddedContainer
          This class is mostly used internally by the GUI builder and isn't very useful for general purpose.

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.util that return Container
 Container UIBuilder.createContainer(Resources res, java.lang.String resourceName)
          Creates the container defined under the given name in the res file
 Container UIBuilder.createContainer(java.lang.String resPath, java.lang.String resourceName)
          Creates the container defined under the given name in the res file
protected  Container UIBuilder.getRootAncestor(Component c)
          Returns either the parent form or the component bellow the embedded container above c.
 Container UIBuilder.showContainer(java.lang.String resourceName, Command sourceCommand, Component sourceComponent)
          This method is equivalent to the internal navigation behavior, it adds functionality such as the back command into the given form resource and shows it.

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.util with parameters of type Container
protected  void UIBuilder.beforeShowContainer(Container c)
          This method allows binding an action that should occur before showing the given container
 Component UIBuilder.findByName(java.lang.String name, Container rootComponent)
          Finds the given component by its name
protected  java.util.Hashtable UIBuilder.getContainerState(Container cnt)
          This method is the container navigation equivalent of getFormState() see that method for details.
protected  boolean UIBuilder.isSameBackDestination(Container source, Container destination)
          When navigating from one form/container to another we sometimes might not want the back command to return to the previous container/form but rather to the one before source.
protected  void UIBuilder.postShowContainer(Container c)
          This method allows binding an action that should occur immediately after showing the given container
protected  void UIBuilder.setContainerState(Container cnt, java.util.Hashtable state)
          This method is the container navigation equivalent of setFormState() see that method for details.