Uses of Interface

Packages that use Painter
com.sun.lwuit Main widget package containing the component/container "composite" similar both in terminology and design to Swing/AWT. 
com.sun.lwuit.animations All components are animatable by potential and additional animations (unrelated to a specific component) can be installed on the fly, transitions between forms are also handled as part of this package. 
com.sun.lwuit.painter Painter allows us to draw arbitrary elements of graphics from plain/scaled/tiled images to gradients and pretty much any form of graphic drawing we can imagine. 
com.sun.lwuit.plaf Look of the application can be fully customized via this package, it represents a rendering layer that can be plugged in separately in runtime and themed to provide any custom look. 

Uses of Painter in com.sun.lwuit

Methods in com.sun.lwuit that return Painter
 Painter Form.getGlassPane()
          Allows a developer that doesn't derive from the form to draw on top of the form regardless of underlying changes or animations.

Methods in com.sun.lwuit with parameters of type Painter
 void Form.setGlassPane(Painter glassPane)
          Allows a developer that doesn't derive from the form to draw on top of the form regardless of underlying changes or animations.

Uses of Painter in com.sun.lwuit.animations

Classes in com.sun.lwuit.animations that implement Painter
 class Timeline
          A timeline represents the motions of animation objects

Uses of Painter in com.sun.lwuit.painter

Classes in com.sun.lwuit.painter that implement Painter
 class BackgroundPainter
          A painter that draws the background of a component based on its style
 class PainterChain
          A painter chain allows us to chain together several painters to provide a "layer" effect where each painter only draws one element.

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.painter that return Painter
 Painter[] PainterChain.getChain()
          Allows us to traverse the painter chain

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.painter with parameters of type Painter
 PainterChain PainterChain.addPainter(Painter p)
          Creates a new chain based on the existing chain with the new element added at the end
static void PainterChain.installGlassPane(Form f, Painter p)
          Installs a glass pane on the given form making sure to make it a painter chain only if required by existing painter
 PainterChain PainterChain.prependPainter(Painter p)
          Creates a new chain based on the existing chain with the new element added at the beginning
static void PainterChain.removeGlassPane(Form f, Painter p)
          Removes a glass pane from the given form, this is the opposite operation for the install glass pane

Constructors in com.sun.lwuit.painter with parameters of type Painter
PainterChain(Painter painter)
          Create a new painter chain which will paint all of the elements in the chain in sequence from 0 to the last element
PainterChain(Painter[] chain)
          Create a new painter chain which will paint all of the elements in the chain in sequence from 0 to the last element

Uses of Painter in com.sun.lwuit.plaf

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.plaf that return Painter
 Painter Style.getBgPainter()
          Return the background painter for this style, normally this would be the internal image/color painter but can be user defined

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.plaf with parameters of type Painter
 void Style.setBgPainter(Painter bgPainter)
          Defines the background painter for this style, normally this would be the internal image/color painter but can be user defined