This topic describes the information that has been added to each version of the Web Developer's Library.
Updated information in Home screen widgets.
Added information on browsing using the S60 Browser to the following topics:
Introduction to the Web Browser for S60—Introduction, features, and version information about the S60 Browser.
Getting started—A starting point to help you decide what you want to achieve by designing your website for the S60 Browser.
Designing websites for S60 Browser—Design principles and guidelines for creating websites that are optimized for display on devices with small screens and limited resources.
Developing websites for S60 Browser—Information on developing websites for the S60 Browser running on a mobile device.
Addition of setLeftSoftkeyLabel()
the JavaScript menu object.
Addition of setNavigationType()
to the JavaScript widget object.
Introduction to home screen widgets—An overview of home screen widgets.
Developing home screen widgets—Instructions for enabling widgets for the home screen.
User interaction with home screen widgets—Information about adding, editing, and removing home screen widgets.
Added examples of designing and developing widgets to the section Introduction to STEW.