1.0: Final Release

Class GlobalManager

  extended byjavax.microedition.amms.GlobalManager

public class GlobalManager
extends java.lang.Object

The GlobalManager handles the creation of EffectModules, SoundSource3Ds and MediaProcessors. Furthermore, a Spectator can be get from the GlobalManager.

Global Effects

The GlobalManager has similar methods as Controllable has. It is supposed that implementations mostly return different subclasses of EffectControl. These effects will be treated as global effects concerning all Players.

Method Summary
static EffectModule createEffectModule()
          Creates an EffectModule.
static MediaProcessor createMediaProcessor(java.lang.String inputType)
          Creates a MediaProcessor object.
static SoundSource3D createSoundSource3D()
          Creates a SoundSource3D.
static javax.microedition.media.Control getControl(java.lang.String controlType)
          Obtain the object that implements the specified Control interface.
static javax.microedition.media.Control[] getControls()
          Obtain the collection of Controls from the GlobalManager.
static Spectator getSpectator()
          Gets the Spectator, which represents the listener in the virtual acoustical space.
static java.lang.String[] getSupportedMediaProcessorInputTypes()
          Gets the supported MediaProcessor input content types.
static java.lang.String[] getSupportedSoundSource3DPlayerTypes()
          Gets the supported player content types that can be added to a SoundSource3D.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static javax.microedition.media.Control[] getControls()
Obtain the collection of Controls from the GlobalManager.

Since the GlobalManager can implement multiple Control interfaces, it is necessary to check each object against different Control types. For example:

Control cs[];
cs = GlobalManager.getControls();
for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
    if (cs[i] instanceof ControlTypeA)
    if (cs[i] instanceof ControlTypeB)
    // etc.

The list of Control objects returned will not contain any duplicates and the list will not change over time.

If no Control is supported, a zero length array is returned.

an array of Control objects


public static javax.microedition.media.Control getControl(java.lang.String controlType)
Obtain the object that implements the specified Control interface.

If the specified Control interface is not supported, then null is returned.

controlType - the class name of the Control. The class name should be given either as the fully-qualified name of the class; or if the package of the class is not given, the package javax.microedition.media.control is assumed.
the object that implements the control, or null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if controlType is null


public static EffectModule createEffectModule()
                                       throws javax.microedition.media.MediaException
Creates an EffectModule.

an EffectModule object that may be used to group Players
javax.microedition.media.MediaException - if creation of EffectModule is not supported


public static SoundSource3D createSoundSource3D()
                                         throws javax.microedition.media.MediaException
Creates a SoundSource3D.

a SoundSource3D object that represents a virtual sound source and that may be used to group Players
javax.microedition.media.MediaException - if creation of SoundSource3Ds is not supported
See Also:


public static java.lang.String[] getSupportedSoundSource3DPlayerTypes()
Gets the supported player content types that can be added to a SoundSource3D. AudioFormatControl specifies constants for content types commonly used with SoundSource3D.

a list of content types that can be used to create Players supported by SoundSource3D (e.g. "audio/midi") and of device and capture locators that can be used to create Players supported by SoundSource3D (e.g. "capture://radio")


public static Spectator getSpectator()
                              throws javax.microedition.media.MediaException
Gets the Spectator, which represents the listener in the virtual acoustical space.

the Spectator, which represents the listener in the virtual acoustical space
javax.microedition.media.MediaException - if the device does not support Spectator


public static MediaProcessor createMediaProcessor(java.lang.String inputType)
                                           throws javax.microedition.media.MediaException
Creates a MediaProcessor object. The input content type is passed as a MIME type as specified in javax.microedition.media.Manager. FormatControl, ContainerFormatControl, VideoFormatControl, AudioFormatControl and ImageFormatControl specify constants for a set of commonly used content types. The supported input content types can be obtained by calling getSupportedMediaProcessorInputTypes().

MediaProcessor to process Images must be created by using input type "image/raw".

inputType - the content type of the source data to be processed
an instance of MediaProcessor
javax.microedition.media.MediaException - if a MediaProcessor could not be created for the given content type
See Also:


public static java.lang.String[] getSupportedMediaProcessorInputTypes()
Gets the supported MediaProcessor input content types. FormatControl, ContainerFormatControl, VideoFormatControl, AudioFormatControl and ImageFormatControl specify constants for a set of commonly used content types.

the supported MediaProcessor input content types

1.0: Final Release

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