Uses of Class

Packages that use Dimension
com.sun.lwuit Main widget package containing the component/container "composite" similar both in terminology and design to Swing/AWT. 
com.sun.lwuit.animations All components are animatable by potential and additional animations (unrelated to a specific component) can be installed on the fly, transitions between forms are also handled as part of this package. 
com.sun.lwuit.geom Contains classes related to geometry locations and calculations such as rectangle and size  
com.sun.lwuit.layouts Layout managers allow a Container to arrange its components by a set of rules that would be adapted for specific screen/font sizes. 
com.sun.lwuit.plaf Look of the application can be fully customized via this package, it represents a rendering layer that can be plugged in separately in runtime and themed to provide any custom look. 
com.sun.lwuit.spinner Spinners allows picking of simple sequential values similarly to combo boxes but of a much wider value set. 
com.sun.lwuit.table Table component for editing and viewing tabular data and arranging LWUIT components in a tabular form  
com.sun.lwuit.tree Tree component for displaying hierarchy based information and its related classes  

Uses of Dimension in com.sun.lwuit

Methods in com.sun.lwuit that return Dimension
protected  Dimension TextField.calcPreferredSize()
protected  Dimension TextArea.calcPreferredSize()
protected  Dimension TabbedPane.calcPreferredSize()
protected  Dimension Slider.calcPreferredSize()
          Return the size we would generally like for the component
protected  Dimension RadioButton.calcPreferredSize()
protected  Dimension PeerComponent.calcPreferredSize()
protected  Dimension MenuBar.calcPreferredSize()
          Prevents scaling down of the menu when there is no text on the menu bar
protected  Dimension MediaComponent.calcPreferredSize()
protected  Dimension List.calcPreferredSize()
protected  Dimension Label.calcPreferredSize()
protected  Dimension Container.calcPreferredSize()
protected  Dimension Component.calcPreferredSize()
          Calculates the preferred size based on component content.
protected  Dimension ComboBox.calcPreferredSize()
protected  Dimension CheckBox.calcPreferredSize()
protected  Dimension Button.calcPreferredSize()
protected  Dimension TextArea.calcScrollSize()
protected  Dimension PeerComponent.calcScrollSize()
protected  Dimension Component.calcScrollSize()
          Method that can be overriden to represent the actual size of the component when it differs from the desireable size for the viewport
 Dimension Component.getPreferredSize()
          Returns the Component Preferred Size, there is no guarantee the Component will be sized at its Preferred Size.
 Dimension Component.getScrollDimension()
          Returns the Components dimension in scrolling, this is very similar to the preferred size aspect only it represents actual scrolling limits.

Methods in com.sun.lwuit with parameters of type Dimension
 void Component.setPreferredSize(Dimension d)
          Sets the Component Preferred Size, there is no guarantee the Component will be sized at its Preferred Size.
 void Component.setScrollSize(Dimension d)
          Set the size for the scroll area
 void Component.setSize(Dimension d)
          Sets the Component size, this method is exposed for the purpose of external layout managers and should not be invoked directly.

Uses of Dimension in com.sun.lwuit.animations

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.animations that return Dimension
 Dimension Timeline.getSize()
          Returns the pixel based unscaled dimentions of this timeline

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.animations with parameters of type Dimension
static Timeline Timeline.createTimeline(int duration, AnimationObject[] animations, Dimension size)
          Create a new timeline animation

Uses of Dimension in com.sun.lwuit.geom

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.geom that return Dimension
 Dimension Rectangle.getSize()
          Return the dimension of the rectangle

Constructors in com.sun.lwuit.geom with parameters of type Dimension
Dimension(Dimension d)
          Creates a new instance of Dimension with a predefine dimension
Rectangle(int x, int y, Dimension size)
          Creates a new instance of Rectangle at position (x, y) and with predefine dimension

Uses of Dimension in com.sun.lwuit.layouts

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.layouts that return Dimension
abstract  Dimension Layout.getPreferredSize(Container parent)
          Returns the container preferred size
 Dimension LayeredLayout.getPreferredSize(Container parent)
 Dimension GroupLayout.getPreferredSize(Container parent)
          Returns the preferred size for the specified container.
 Dimension GridLayout.getPreferredSize(Container parent)
 Dimension FlowLayout.getPreferredSize(Container parent)
 Dimension CoordinateLayout.getPreferredSize(Container parent)
 Dimension BoxLayout.getPreferredSize(Container parent)
 Dimension BorderLayout.getPreferredSize(Container parent)

Constructors in com.sun.lwuit.layouts with parameters of type Dimension
CoordinateLayout(Dimension d)
          This constructor accepts the relative width and height used to define the aspect ratio of the Container

Uses of Dimension in com.sun.lwuit.plaf

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.plaf that return Dimension
abstract  Dimension LookAndFeel.getButtonPreferredSize(Button b)
          Calculate the preferred size of the component
 Dimension DefaultLookAndFeel.getButtonPreferredSize(Button b)
abstract  Dimension LookAndFeel.getCheckBoxPreferredSize(Button cb)
          Calculate the preferred size of the component
 Dimension DefaultLookAndFeel.getCheckBoxPreferredSize(Button cb)
abstract  Dimension LookAndFeel.getComboBoxPreferredSize(List box)
          Calculate the preferred size of the component
 Dimension DefaultLookAndFeel.getComboBoxPreferredSize(List cb)
abstract  Dimension LookAndFeel.getLabelPreferredSize(Label l)
          Calculate the preferred size of the component
 Dimension DefaultLookAndFeel.getLabelPreferredSize(Label l)
abstract  Dimension LookAndFeel.getListPreferredSize(List l)
          Calculate the preferred size of the component
 Dimension DefaultLookAndFeel.getListPreferredSize(List l)
abstract  Dimension LookAndFeel.getRadioButtonPreferredSize(Button rb)
          Calculate the preferred size of the component
 Dimension DefaultLookAndFeel.getRadioButtonPreferredSize(Button rb)
abstract  Dimension LookAndFeel.getTextAreaSize(TextArea ta, boolean pref)
          Calculate the preferred size of the component
 Dimension DefaultLookAndFeel.getTextAreaSize(TextArea ta, boolean pref)
abstract  Dimension LookAndFeel.getTextFieldPreferredSize(TextArea ta)
          Calculate the preferred size of the component
 Dimension DefaultLookAndFeel.getTextFieldPreferredSize(TextArea ta)

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.plaf with parameters of type Dimension
abstract  void LookAndFeel.drawTabbedPaneContentPane(TabbedPane tp, Graphics g, Rectangle rect, Dimension cellsPreferredSize, int numOfTabs, int selectedTabIndex, Dimension tabsSize, int cellOffsetX, int cellOffsetY)
 void DefaultLookAndFeel.drawTabbedPaneContentPane(TabbedPane tp, Graphics g, Rectangle rect, Dimension cellsPreferredSize, int numOfTabs, int selectedTabIndex, Dimension tabsSize, int cellOffsetX, int cellOffsetY)
abstract  Component LookAndFeel.getTabbedPaneCell(TabbedPane tp, java.lang.String text, Image icon, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus, Style cellStyle, Style cellSelectedStyle, Style tabbedPaneStyle, int cellOffsetX, int cellOffsetY, Dimension cellsPreferredSize, Dimension contentPaneSize)
 Component DefaultLookAndFeel.getTabbedPaneCell(TabbedPane tp, java.lang.String text, Image icon, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus, Style cellStyle, Style cellSelectedStyle, Style tabbedPaneStyle, int cellOffsetX, int cellOffsetY, Dimension cellsPreferredSize, Dimension contentPaneSize)

Uses of Dimension in com.sun.lwuit.spinner

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.spinner that return Dimension
protected  Dimension Spinner.calcPreferredSize()
protected  Dimension Spinner.calcScrollSize()

Uses of Dimension in com.sun.lwuit.table

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.table that return Dimension
 Dimension TableLayout.getPreferredSize(Container parent)

Uses of Dimension in com.sun.lwuit.tree

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.tree that return Dimension
protected  Dimension Tree.calcPreferredSize()