Uses of Package

Packages that use com.sun.lwuit.layouts
com.sun.lwuit Main widget package containing the component/container "composite" similar both in terminology and design to Swing/AWT. 
com.sun.lwuit.layouts Layout managers allow a Container to arrange its components by a set of rules that would be adapted for specific screen/font sizes. 
com.sun.lwuit.list Lists are highly customizable and serve as the basis for ComboBox and other components (such as carousels etc) they employ a similar MVC approach to Swing including the renderer pattern. 
com.sun.lwuit.table Table component for editing and viewing tabular data and arranging LWUIT components in a tabular form  

Classes in com.sun.lwuit.layouts used by com.sun.lwuit
          Abstract class that can be used to arrange components in a container using a predefined algorithm.

Classes in com.sun.lwuit.layouts used by com.sun.lwuit.layouts
          Group provides for commonality between the two types of operations supported by GroupLayout: laying out components one after another (SequentialGroup) or layout on top of each other (ParallelGroup).
          A Group that lays out its elements on top of each other.
          A Group that lays out its elements sequentially, one after another.
          Abstract class that can be used to arrange components in a container using a predefined algorithm.
          LayoutStyle is used to determine how much space to place between components during layout.

Classes in com.sun.lwuit.layouts used by com.sun.lwuit.list
          Abstract class that can be used to arrange components in a container using a predefined algorithm.

Classes in com.sun.lwuit.layouts used by com.sun.lwuit.table
          Abstract class that can be used to arrange components in a container using a predefined algorithm.