Put this flag as a hashtable key to indicate that a checkbox entry rendered by
this renderer should act as a "select all" entry and toggle all other entries.
Called when the user selects an item in a List inside the HTMLComponent
Note: Selection is traversing through the items - once the user has actually decided, an ActionEvent will be sent as well
This method will be called only if HTMLComponent.isEventsEnabled() is true
Called when the user selects an item in a List inside the HTMLComponent
Note: Selection is traversing through the items - once the user has actually decided, an ActionEvent will be sent as well
This method will be called only if HTMLComponent.isEventsEnabled() is true
Indicates that the text entered is sensitive data that the
implementation must never store into a dictionary or table for use
in predictive, auto-completing, or other accelerated input schemes.
When this flag is active the combo box acts as a button that opens a dialog that looks like a spinner
this allows creating user interfaces for touch devices where a spinner UI approach is more common than
a combo box paradigm.
Determines whether to auto-focus on the first link after page load
Note that focusing will happen only if the link is within a visible range (no scrolling is performed since this is rarely a wanted behaviour in this case)
Indicates whether this dispatcher blocks when firing events or not, normally
a dispatcher uses callSeriallyAndWait() to be 100% synchronos with event delivery
however this method is very slow.
Indicates that the tabs container should have its style changed to the selected style when one of the tabs has focus
this allows incorporating it into the theme of the application
This method is used internally to determine the actual current form
it doesn't perform the logic of transitions etc. and shouldn't be invoked
by developers
When this flag is active the combo box acts as a button that opens a dialog that looks like a spinner
this allows creating user interfaces for touch devices where a spinner UI approach is more common than
a combo box paradigm.
Default command is invoked when a user presses fire, this functionality works
well in some situations but might collide with elements such as navigation
and combo boxes.
Default command is invoked when a user presses fire, this functionality works
well in some situations but might collide with elements such as navigation
and combo boxes.
Sets the default virtual keyboard class for the com.sun.lwuit.VirtualKeyboard
This class is used as the default virtual keyboard class if the current
platform VirtualKeyboard is com.sun.lwuit.VirtualKeyboard.
Allows a developer to indicate his interest that the dialog should no longer
scroll on its own but rather rely on the scrolling properties of internal
scrollable containers.
Indicates whether this component can receive dropped components into it, notice that when dropping on a component
or container the parents will be checked recursively to find a valid drop target
Sets this expected content type to be either TYPE_HTML, TYPE_IMAGE or TYPE_CSS
When the document itself is requested the type will be TYPE_HTML and when images in the document are requested the type will be TYPE_IMAGE
The differentiation is important to handle cases in which the HTMLComponent expects one type but the URL is has a resource of another type
This method determines if the List fires the action event when the pointer
was clicked on one of the items, or only if the item was the selected item
By default the value is true, this setting is only relevant for none fixed
Makes the component effectively opaque by blending the backgrounds into an image in memory so the layer of underlying components
is only drawn once when this component is repainted.
Indicates whether lists and containers should scroll only via focus and thus "jump" when
moving to a larger component as was the case in older versions of LWUIT.
Indicates whether lists and containers should scroll only via focus and thus "jump" when
moving to a larger component as was the case in older versions of LWUIT.
This property is useful for blocking in z-order touch events, sometimes we might want to grab touch events in
a specific component without making it focusable.
High quality mode renders the transition using smoother graphics but can
take a whole lot more memory per texture and bitmap resulting in a likely
out of memory error on high resolution/low memory devices with complex UI
This method is designed mainly for the purpose of creating an arrow that will track a specific component using the image border
the tile given would be an arrow like image just like the ones used for the top/bottom/left/right images.
Sets how to draw the inner border (All of it, only rows/columns, none, groups)
Note that setting to any mode other than NONE/ALL will result in the border drawing as collapsed whether this is a collpased border or not
A list can start handling input implicitly upon gaining focus, this can
make for a more intuitive UI when no other focus elements exist or when
their use case is infrequent.
Allows us to indicate the label associated with this component thus providing
visual feedback related for this component e.g. starting the ticker when
the component receives focus.
Sets the lead component for this container, a lead component takes over the entire
component hierarchy and receives all the events for the container hierarchy.
Indicates the units used for margin elements, if null pixels are used if not this is a 4 element array containing values
Indicates that the background of a cell renderer might mutate between one entry and the next,
it is recommended that this flag remains false for performance reasons.
Allows us to determine which component will receive focus next when traversing
with the left key, this method doesn't affect the general focus behavior.
Indicates the units used for padding elements, if null pixels are used if not this is a 4 element array containing values
Sets the UIID of the page (the internal container)
This applies not only to the current page, but rather to all pages created with this HTMLComponent instance.
Sets a custom HTMLParser for this HTMLComponent
By default, a new HTMLParser instance is created for each HTMLComponent, use this method if you have a custom parser.
Indicates the value of progress made, this method is thread safe and
can be invoked from any thread although discression should still be kept
so one thread doesn't regress progress made by another thread...
Sets a local property to the application, this method has no effect on the
implementation code and only allows the user to override the logic of getProperty
for internal application purposes.
The resource bundle allows us to implicitly localize the UI on the fly, once its
installed all internal application strings query the resource bundle and extract
their values from this table if applicable.
Indicates the X position of the scrolling, this number is relative to the
component position and so a position of 0 would indicate the x position
of the component.
Indicates the X position of the scrolling, this number is relative to the
component position and so a position of 0 would indicate the x position
of the component.
Sets the current selected offset in the list, by default this implementation
will scroll the list to the selection if the selection is outside of the screen
Invoking the show() method of a form/dialog while the user is editing
text in the native text box can have several behaviors: SHOW_DURING_EDIT_IGNORE,
Allows defining a tactile touch device that vibrates when the user presses a component
that should respond with tactile feedback on a touch device (e.g. vibrate).
Indicates if this is a touch screen device that will return pen events,
defaults to true if the device has pen events but can be overriden by
the developer.
When set to true vertical alignment will be performed by row (components within the container will be aligned vertically to each other in the same row)
When set to false (which is default) vertical alignment relates to the alignment of this container in regards to external components
Sets the Component x location relative to the parent container, this method
is exposed for the purpose of external layout managers and should not be invoked
Sets the Component y location relative to the parent container, this method
is exposed for the purpose of external layout managers and should not be invoked
This method is equivalent to the internal navigation behavior, it adds
functionality such as the back command into the given form resource and
shows it.
This method is equivalent to the internal navigation behavior, it adds
functionality such as the back command into the given form resource and
shows it.
This method is only invoked when the underlying canvas for the form is shown
this method isn't called for form based events and is generally usable for
suspend/resume based behavior
A popup dialog is shown with the context of a component and its selection, it is disposed seamlessly if the back button is pressed
or if the user touches outside its bounds.
Extracts a subimage from the given image allowing us to breakdown a single large image
into multiple smaller images in RAM, this actually creates a standalone version
of the image for use.