RadioButton - Class in com.sun.lwuit
RadioButton is a Button that maintains a selection state exclusively within a specific ButtonGroup
RadioButton(String) - Constructor for class com.sun.lwuit.RadioButton
Constructs a radio with the given text
RadioButton() - Constructor for class com.sun.lwuit.RadioButton
Creates an empty radio button
RadioButton(Image) - Constructor for class com.sun.lwuit.RadioButton
Constructs a radio with the given icon
RadioButton(String, Image) - Constructor for class com.sun.lwuit.RadioButton
Constructs a radio with the given text and icon
Rectangle - Class in com.sun.lwuit.geom
Represents a Rectangle position (x, y) and Dimension (width, height), this is useful for measuring coordinates within the application.
Rectangle() - Constructor for class com.sun.lwuit.geom.Rectangle
Creates a new instance of Rectangle
Rectangle(int, int, Dimension) - Constructor for class com.sun.lwuit.geom.Rectangle
Creates a new instance of Rectangle at position (x, y) and with predefine dimension
Rectangle(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.sun.lwuit.geom.Rectangle
Creates a new instance of Rectangle at position (x, y) and with predefine width and height
Rectangle(Rectangle) - Constructor for class com.sun.lwuit.geom.Rectangle
A copy Constructor
reflectionImage(Image) - Static method in class com.sun.lwuit.util.Effects
Takes the given image and appends an effect of reflection bellow it that is similar to the way elements appear in water beneath them.
reflectionImage(Image, float, int) - Static method in class com.sun.lwuit.util.Effects
Takes the given image and appends an effect of reflection bellow it that is similar to the way elements appear in water beneath them.
reflectionImage(Image, float, int, int) - Static method in class com.sun.lwuit.util.Effects
Takes the given image and appends an effect of reflection bellow it that is similar to the way elements appear in water beneath them.
refreshDOM() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.html.HTMLComponent
Refreshes the current DOM so it any changes done after loading will be rendered.
refreshTheme() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.CheckBox
refreshTheme() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Component
Makes sure the component is up to date with the current style object
refreshTheme(String) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Component
Makes sure the component is up to date with the given UIID
refreshTheme() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.ComponentGroup
refreshTheme() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Container
refreshTheme() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Form
refreshTheme() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.list.DefaultListCellRenderer
refreshTheme() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.List
refreshTheme() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.MenuBar
refreshTheme() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.plaf.DefaultLookAndFeel
refreshTheme() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.plaf.LookAndFeel
This method is a callback to the LookAndFeel when a theme is being changed in the UIManager
refreshTheme() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.RadioButton
refreshTheme() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Slider
refreshTheme() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.spinner.Spinner
refreshTheme() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.TabbedPane
refreshTheme() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Tabs
registerAnimated(Animation) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Form
The given component is interested in animating its appearance and will start receiving callbacks when it is visible in the form allowing it to animate its appearance.
registerCustomComponent(String, Class) - Static method in class com.sun.lwuit.util.UIBuilder
This method allows the UIBuilder to package a smaller portion of LWUIT into the JAR and add support for additional 3rd party components to the GUI builder.
registerVirtualKeyboard(VirtualKeyboardInterface) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Display
Register a virtual keyboard
RELATED - Static variable in class com.sun.lwuit.layouts.LayoutStyle
Possible argument to getPreferredGap.
released() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Button
Invoked to change the state of the button to the released state
released(int, int) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Button
Invoked to change the state of the button to the released state
released(int, int) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.CheckBox
released(int, int) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.RadioButton
reload() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.BrowserComponent
Reload the current page
reloadContainer(Component) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.util.UIBuilder
Useful tool to refresh the current state of a container shown using show container without pushing another instance to the back stack
reloadForm() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.util.UIBuilder
Useful tool to refresh the current state of a form shown using show form without pushing another instance to the back stack
remove(RadioButton) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.ButtonGroup
removes a RadioButton from the group
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Button
Removes the given action listener from the button
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Calendar
Fires when a change is made to the month view of this component
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.list.ContainerList
Allows binding a listener to user selection actions
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.List
Allows binding a listener to user selection actions
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.TextArea
Removes an action listener
removeAll() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Container
remove all Components from container, notice that removed component might still have a pending repaint in the queue that won't be removed.
removeAll() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Dialog
removeAll() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Form
Removes all Components from the Content Pane
removeAll() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.list.DefaultListModel
Removes all elements from the model
removeAllCommands() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Form
Clear menu commands from the menu bar
removeAllCommands() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.MenuBar
Remove all commands from the menuBar
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.xml.Element
Removes the specified attribute
removeAttribute(Object) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.xml.Element
Removes the specified attribute if it exist in this Element This method allows creating a key that is non-string to be used by subclasses that optimize attributes retrieval
removeAttributeById(int) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.html.HTMLElement
Removes the specified attribute
removeChildAt(int) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.html.HTMLElement
Removes the child at the given index
removeChildAt(int) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.xml.Element
Removes the child at the given index
removeCommand(Command) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Form
Removes the command from the menu bar softkeys
removeCommand(Command) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.MenuBar
Removes a Command from the MenuBar
removeCommandListener(ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Form
A listener that is invoked when a command is clicked allowing multiple commands to be handled by a single block
removeCommandListener(ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.util.UIBuilder
Removes a command listener
removeCommandListener(String, ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.util.UIBuilder
Removes a command listener on a specific form
removeCommands(Command, Command, Command) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.TextField
Removes the clear and t9 commands from the parent form, this method can be overriden to provide device specific placement for these commands
removeComponent(Component) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Container
removes a Component from the Container, notice that removed component might still have a pending repaint in the queue that won't be removed.
removeComponent(Component) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Dialog
removeComponent(Component) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Form
Removes a component from the Form's Content Pane
removeComponentListener(String, String, Object) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.util.UIBuilder
Removes a component listener bound to a specific component
REMOVED - Static variable in interface com.sun.lwuit.events.DataChangedListener
Type value for removed data in ListModel
removeDataChangedListener(DataChangedListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.list.DefaultListModel
removeDataChangedListener(DataChangedListener) - Method in interface com.sun.lwuit.list.ListModel
Invoked to indicate no further interest in future change events
removeDataChangedListener(DataChangedListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Slider
Removes a listener from data changed events
removeDataChangeListener(DataChangedListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Calendar
Allows tracking selection changes in the calendar in real time
removeDataChangeListener(DataChangedListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.table.DefaultTableModel
removeDataChangeListener(DataChangedListener) - Method in interface com.sun.lwuit.table.TableModel
Removes a listener to the data changed event
removeDataChangeListener(DataChangedListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.TextField
Removes the listener for data change events
removeEdtErrorHandler(ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Display
An error handler will receive an action event with the source exception from the EDT once an error handler is installed the default LWUIT error dialog will no longer appear
removeFocusListener(FocusListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Component
Deregisters interest in receiving callbacks for focus gained events
removeGameKeyListener(int, ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Form
Removes a game key listener from the given game keycode
removeGlassPane(Form, Painter) - Static method in class com.sun.lwuit.painter.PainterChain
Removes a glass pane from the given form, this is the opposite operation for the install glass pane
removeItem(int) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.list.DefaultListModel
removeItem(int) - Method in interface com.sun.lwuit.list.ListModel
Removes the item at the specified position in this list.
removeKeyListener(int, ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Form
Removes a key listener from the given keycode
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.layouts.BorderLayout
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.layouts.GroupLayout
Notification that a Component has been removed from the parent container.
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.layouts.Layout
Removes the component from the layout this operation is only useful if the layout maintains references to components within it
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.table.TableLayout
removeLeafListener(ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.tree.Tree
Removes the listener that fires when a leaf is clicked
removeListener(Object) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.util.EventDispatcher
Remove the listener from the dispatcher
removeOrientationListener(ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Form
This listener is invoked when device orientation changes on devices that support orientation change
removePointerDraggedListener(ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Form
Removes the listener from the pointer event
removePointerPressedListener(ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Form
Removes the listener from the pointer event
removePointerReleasedListener(ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Form
Removes the listener from the pointer event
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.list.DefaultListModel
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in interface com.sun.lwuit.list.ListModel
Invoked to indicate no further interest in future selection events
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.List
Invoked to indicate no further interest in future selection events
removeShowListener(ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Form
Removes the show listener
removeStyleListener(StyleListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.plaf.Style
Removes a Style Listener from the Style Object.
removeTabAt(int) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.TabbedPane
Deprecated. Removes the tab at index.
removeTabAt(int) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Tabs
Removes the tab at index.
removeTabsFocusListener(FocusListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Tabs
Removes a foucs Listener from the tabs buttons
removeThemeRefreshListener(ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.plaf.UIManager
Removes a Theme refresh listener.
removeWebEventListener(String, ActionListener) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.BrowserComponent
Removes the listener, see addWebEventListener for details
renderM3G(Graphics, boolean, int, M3G.Callback) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.M3G
Deprecated. Binds the Graphics3D object to the current graphics context and invokes callback to perform the rendering.
repaint() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Component
Repaint this Component, the repaint call causes a callback of the paint method on the event dispatch thread.
repaint(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Component
Repaints a specific region within the component
repaint(Animation) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.impl.LWUITImplementation
Invoked to add an element to the paintQueue
repaint() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.list.DefaultListCellRenderer
Overriden to do nothing and remove a performance issue where renderer changes perform needless repaint calls
replace(Component, Component, Transition, Runnable, int) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Container
This method replaces the current Component with the next Component
replace(Component, Component, Transition) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Container
This method replaces the current Component with the next Component.
replace(Component, Component, Transition) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Form
replace(Component, Component) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.layouts.GroupLayout
Removes an existing component replacing it with the specified component.
replaceAndWait(Component, Component, Transition) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Container
This method replaces the current Component with the next Component.
replaceAndWait(Component, Component, Transition, int) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Container
This method replaces the current Component with the next Component.
replaceAndWait(Component, Component, Transition, boolean) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Container
This method replaces the current Component with the next Component.
replaceAndWait(Component, Component, Transition) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Form
replaceChild(Element, Element) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.xml.Element
Replaces one child with another
requestFocus() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Component
Changes the current component to the focused component, will work only for a component that belongs to a parent form.
requestFocus() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.TabbedPane
resetAffine() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Graphics
Resets the affine transform to the default value
resetAffine(Object) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.impl.LWUITImplementation
Resets the affine transform to the default value
resetCache() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.EncodedImage
A subclass might choose to load asynchroniously and reset the cache when the image is ready.
resourceRequested(DocumentInfo) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.html.DefaultDocumentRequestHandler
resourceRequested(DocumentInfo) - Method in interface com.sun.lwuit.html.DocumentRequestHandler
Implementations should return the document in the requested url as an InputStream This is triggered only for the main document requested and not for its resources.
resourceRequestedAsync(DocumentInfo, AsyncDocumentRequestHandler.IOCallback) - Method in interface com.sun.lwuit.html.AsyncDocumentRequestHandler
This method is called by HTMLComponent when a resource is requested asynchronously.
resourceRequestedAsync(DocumentInfo, AsyncDocumentRequestHandler.IOCallback) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.html.DefaultDocumentRequestHandler
Resources - Class in com.sun.lwuit.util
Loads resources from the binary resource file generated during the build process or via the LWUIT Designer.
restart() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.StaticAnimation
Deprecated. Restarts the animation
restoreMinimizedApplication() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Display
Restore the minimized application if minimization is supported by the platform
restoreMinimizedApplication() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.impl.LWUITImplementation
Restore the minimized application if minimization is supported by the platform
revalidate() - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Container
Re-layout the container, this is useful when we modify the container hierarchy and need to redo the layout
RGBImage - Class in com.sun.lwuit
An image that stores its data as an integer RGB array internally, this image cannot be manipulated via Graphics primitives however its array is accessible and modifiable programmatically.
RGBImage(Image) - Constructor for class com.sun.lwuit.RGBImage
Converts an image to an RGB image after which the original image can be GC'd
RGBImage(int[], int, int) - Constructor for class com.sun.lwuit.RGBImage
Creates an RGB image from scratch the array isn't copied and can be saved and manipulated
RIGHT - Static variable in class com.sun.lwuit.Component
Box-orientation constant used to specify the right side of a box.
rotate(int) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.EncodedImage
rotate(float) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Graphics
Rotates the coordinate system around a radian angle using the affine transform
rotate(int) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.Image
Returns an instance of this image rotated by the given number of degrees.
rotate(Object, int) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.impl.LWUITImplementation
Returns an instance of this image rotated by the given number of degrees.
rotate(Object, float) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.impl.LWUITImplementation
Rotates the coordinate system around a radian angle using the affine transform
rotate(int) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.IndexedImage
Deprecated. Unsupported in the current version, this method will be implemented in a future release
rotate(int) - Method in class com.sun.lwuit.RGBImage
Unsupported in the current version, this method will be implemented in a future release