Uses of Package

Packages that use com.sun.lwuit
com.sun.lwuit Main widget package containing the component/container "composite" similar both in terminology and design to Swing/AWT. 
com.sun.lwuit.animations All components are animatable by potential and additional animations (unrelated to a specific component) can be installed on the fly, transitions between forms are also handled as part of this package. Observable pattern event listeners in the spirit of AWT 1.1's event dispatching architecture, all events are dispatched on the EDT (Event Dispatch Thread). 
com.sun.lwuit.html The HTML package allows rendering XHTML-MP 1.0 documents including WCSS support. 
com.sun.lwuit.impl The implementation package should not be used by developers, it is an internal implementation detail which will break compatibility between major LWUIT releases. 
com.sun.lwuit.layouts Layout managers allow a Container to arrange its components by a set of rules that would be adapted for specific screen/font sizes. 
com.sun.lwuit.list Lists are highly customizable and serve as the basis for ComboBox and other components (such as carousels etc) they employ a similar MVC approach to Swing including the renderer pattern. 
com.sun.lwuit.painter Painter allows us to draw arbitrary elements of graphics from plain/scaled/tiled images to gradients and pretty much any form of graphic drawing we can imagine. 
com.sun.lwuit.plaf Look of the application can be fully customized via this package, it represents a rendering layer that can be plugged in separately in runtime and themed to provide any custom look. 
com.sun.lwuit.spinner Spinners allows picking of simple sequential values similarly to combo boxes but of a much wider value set. 
com.sun.lwuit.table Table component for editing and viewing tabular data and arranging LWUIT components in a tabular form  
com.sun.lwuit.tree Tree component for displaying hierarchy based information and its related classes  
com.sun.lwuit.util Utility features that are either too domain specific or don't "fit" into any other packages. 

Classes in com.sun.lwuit used by com.sun.lwuit
          Button is the base class for several UI widgets allowing clickability.
          The action placed on the soft buttons and in the Menu on devices, similar to the MIDP command abstraction and Swing's Actions.
          Base class for all the widgets in the toolkit using the composite pattern in a similar way to the AWT Container/Component relationship.
          A composite pattern with Component, allows nesting and arranging multiple components using a pluggable layout manager architecture.
          A dialog is a form that occupies a part of the screen and appears as a modal entity to the developer.
          Central class for the API that manages rendering/events and is used to place top level components (Form) on the "display".
          An image that only keeps the binary data of the source file used to load it in permanent memory.
          A simple abstraction of platform fonts and library fonts that enables the library to use more elaborate fonts unsupported by a specific device.
          Top level component that serves as the root for the UI, this Container handles the menus and title while placing content between them.
          Abstracts the underlying platform graphics context thus allowing us to achieve portability between MIDP devices and CDC devices.
          Abstracts the underlying platform images allowing us to treat them as a uniform object.
          Deprecated. This class should no longer be referenced directly. Use Image.createIndexed instead
          Allows displaying labels and images with different alignment options, this class is a base class for several components allowing them to declare alignement/icon look in a similar way.
          A set of elements that is rendered using a ListCellRenderer and are extracted via the ListModel.
          Deprecated. this class isn't portable, its functionality will move to an external package in the future
          Deprecated. Callback interface that allows rendering of 3D graphics on top/bellow the current form.
          This class represents the Form MenuBar.
          Painter can be used to draw on components backgrounds.
          A peer component is essentially a "dummy" LWUIT component used to calculate the position of the actual native platform specific component.
          RadioButton is a Button that maintains a selection state exclusively within a specific ButtonGroup
          An image that stores its data as an integer RGB array internally, this image cannot be manipulated via Graphics primitives however its array is accessible and modifiable programmatically.
          The slider component serves both as a slider widget to allow users to select a value on a scale via touch/arrows and also to indicate progress.
          Deprecated. this class shouldn't be referenced directly, use the Image base class for all functionality
          An optionally multi-line editable region that can display text and allow a user to edit it.
          Allows in place editing using a lightweight API without necessarily moving to the external native text box.
          Allows embedding a video into a LWUIT component, video creation/management is very platform specific and this component tries to abstract that logic as much as possible while maintaining portability.
          This class represent the LWUIT Light Weight Virtual Keyboard

Classes in com.sun.lwuit used by com.sun.lwuit.animations
          Base class for all the widgets in the toolkit using the composite pattern in a similar way to the AWT Container/Component relationship.
          Abstracts the underlying platform graphics context thus allowing us to achieve portability between MIDP devices and CDC devices.
          Abstracts the underlying platform images allowing us to treat them as a uniform object.
          Painter can be used to draw on components backgrounds.

Classes in com.sun.lwuit used by
          The action placed on the soft buttons and in the Menu on devices, similar to the MIDP command abstraction and Swing's Actions.
          Base class for all the widgets in the toolkit using the composite pattern in a similar way to the AWT Container/Component relationship.

Classes in com.sun.lwuit used by com.sun.lwuit.html
          Base class for all the widgets in the toolkit using the composite pattern in a similar way to the AWT Container/Component relationship.
          A composite pattern with Component, allows nesting and arranging multiple components using a pluggable layout manager architecture.
          A simple abstraction of platform fonts and library fonts that enables the library to use more elaborate fonts unsupported by a specific device.
          A set of elements that is rendered using a ListCellRenderer and are extracted via the ListModel.
          An optionally multi-line editable region that can display text and allow a user to edit it.
          Allows in place editing using a lightweight API without necessarily moving to the external native text box.

Classes in com.sun.lwuit used by com.sun.lwuit.impl
          Base class for all the widgets in the toolkit using the composite pattern in a similar way to the AWT Container/Component relationship.
          Top level component that serves as the root for the UI, this Container handles the menus and title while placing content between them.
          Abstracts the underlying platform graphics context thus allowing us to achieve portability between MIDP devices and CDC devices.
          Abstracts the underlying platform images allowing us to treat them as a uniform object.
          Deprecated. This class should no longer be referenced directly. Use Image.createIndexed instead
          A peer component is essentially a "dummy" LWUIT component used to calculate the position of the actual native platform specific component.
          Allows embedding a video into a LWUIT component, video creation/management is very platform specific and this component tries to abstract that logic as much as possible while maintaining portability.

Classes in com.sun.lwuit used by com.sun.lwuit.layouts
          Base class for all the widgets in the toolkit using the composite pattern in a similar way to the AWT Container/Component relationship.
          A composite pattern with Component, allows nesting and arranging multiple components using a pluggable layout manager architecture.

Classes in com.sun.lwuit used by com.sun.lwuit.list
          Button is the base class for several UI widgets allowing clickability.
          Base class for all the widgets in the toolkit using the composite pattern in a similar way to the AWT Container/Component relationship.
          A composite pattern with Component, allows nesting and arranging multiple components using a pluggable layout manager architecture.
          Allows displaying labels and images with different alignment options, this class is a base class for several components allowing them to declare alignement/icon look in a similar way.
          A set of elements that is rendered using a ListCellRenderer and are extracted via the ListModel.

Classes in com.sun.lwuit used by com.sun.lwuit.painter
          Base class for all the widgets in the toolkit using the composite pattern in a similar way to the AWT Container/Component relationship.
          Top level component that serves as the root for the UI, this Container handles the menus and title while placing content between them.
          Abstracts the underlying platform graphics context thus allowing us to achieve portability between MIDP devices and CDC devices.
          Painter can be used to draw on components backgrounds.

Classes in com.sun.lwuit used by com.sun.lwuit.plaf
          Button is the base class for several UI widgets allowing clickability.
          Base class for all the widgets in the toolkit using the composite pattern in a similar way to the AWT Container/Component relationship.
          A simple abstraction of platform fonts and library fonts that enables the library to use more elaborate fonts unsupported by a specific device.
          Abstracts the underlying platform graphics context thus allowing us to achieve portability between MIDP devices and CDC devices.
          Abstracts the underlying platform images allowing us to treat them as a uniform object.
          Allows displaying labels and images with different alignment options, this class is a base class for several components allowing them to declare alignement/icon look in a similar way.
          A set of elements that is rendered using a ListCellRenderer and are extracted via the ListModel.
          Painter can be used to draw on components backgrounds.
          Deprecated. see
          An optionally multi-line editable region that can display text and allow a user to edit it.

Classes in com.sun.lwuit used by com.sun.lwuit.spinner
          Base class for all the widgets in the toolkit using the composite pattern in a similar way to the AWT Container/Component relationship.
          Abstracts the underlying platform graphics context thus allowing us to achieve portability between MIDP devices and CDC devices.
          Abstracts the underlying platform images allowing us to treat them as a uniform object.
          A set of elements that is rendered using a ListCellRenderer and are extracted via the ListModel.

Classes in com.sun.lwuit used by com.sun.lwuit.table
          Base class for all the widgets in the toolkit using the composite pattern in a similar way to the AWT Container/Component relationship.
          A composite pattern with Component, allows nesting and arranging multiple components using a pluggable layout manager architecture.
          Abstracts the underlying platform graphics context thus allowing us to achieve portability between MIDP devices and CDC devices.

Classes in com.sun.lwuit used by com.sun.lwuit.tree
          Button is the base class for several UI widgets allowing clickability.
          Base class for all the widgets in the toolkit using the composite pattern in a similar way to the AWT Container/Component relationship.
          A composite pattern with Component, allows nesting and arranging multiple components using a pluggable layout manager architecture.
          Abstracts the underlying platform images allowing us to treat them as a uniform object.

Classes in com.sun.lwuit used by com.sun.lwuit.util
          The action placed on the soft buttons and in the Menu on devices, similar to the MIDP command abstraction and Swing's Actions.
          Base class for all the widgets in the toolkit using the composite pattern in a similar way to the AWT Container/Component relationship.
          A composite pattern with Component, allows nesting and arranging multiple components using a pluggable layout manager architecture.
          A simple abstraction of platform fonts and library fonts that enables the library to use more elaborate fonts unsupported by a specific device.
          Top level component that serves as the root for the UI, this Container handles the menus and title while placing content between them.
          Abstracts the underlying platform images allowing us to treat them as a uniform object.
          A set of elements that is rendered using a ListCellRenderer and are extracted via the ListModel.
          Deprecated. this class shouldn't be referenced directly, use the Image base class for all functionality