S60 3rd Edition API Reference Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
AknBidiTextUtilsText utilities e.g
AknBorderIdBorder ids for Avkon extended TGulBorder
AknCommonDialogsDEPRECATED: Use AknCommonDialogsDynMem instead
AknCommonDialogsDynMemNew version of AknCommonDialogs class suporting dynamic drives such as remote drive
AknDialogShutterUtility class for shutting dialogs
AknDrawHelper functions for drawing empty lists and window shadows
AknDrawWithSkinsHelper functions for drawing empty lists and window shadows
AknEditUtilsUtility class to initialize editor control
AknEditUtils::SAknEditorParametersBasic elements that are needed for the basic editing functions
AknFindThis class implements find requirements from component specifications
AknInputLanguageInfoFactoryThis factory class exists to supply an available input language interface
AknLAFUtilsThis is private class, do not use it except for drawing controls!
AknLayoutUtilsUtility classes to build layout based on European LAF from resource files
AknListBoxLayoutsAknListBoxLayouts Building listbox layouts from European Avkon LAF
AknListBoxLinesTemplate< T >This adds correct horizontal and vertival lines to the listbox and handles empty listbox!
AknListBoxUtilsGeneral utilities relating to listboxes
AknPopupListEmpty< T >Empty layout for popup lists
AknsDrawUtilsStatic utility class to support Avkon Skins drawing operations
AknSelectionServiceThese are part of Selection service and they should be called by application's HandleCommandL() to get menus and cba's handled automatically for selection service
AknsUtilsStatic utility class to support AVKON SKINS common operations
AknTextUtilsText utilities
CActiveApDbThis class manages and guards database integrity by handling all events that are related to the database
CActiveFavouritesDbNotifierActiveFavouritesDbNotifier is an Active object encapsulating a favourites database notifier
CAiwCriteriaItemCriteria item data
CAiwGenericParamListGeneric parameter list
CAiwServiceHandlerCAiwServiceHandler is the main class of the Application Interworking Framework
CAknAlphaPasswordSettingPageThis class is used for alphanumeric passwords
CAknApplicationBase class for a Series 60 application
CAknAppServerBase class for server app's servers
CAknAppServiceBaseBase class for server app service IPC implementations
CAknAppUiAbstract Avkon application UI class
CAknAppUiBaseAbstract Avkon application UI base class
CAknBigSettingItemBaseThis class can be used as a base class for "Big Settings"
CAknCcpuSupportCut, copy, paste and undo support class
CAknCheckBoxSettingPageSetting Page class supporting multiple selection
CAknColourSelectionGridColour selection grid
CAknColumnListBoxAvkon version of eikon's column listbox
CAknColumnListBoxViewA view that provides empty lists for use with find pane
CAknCommonDialogsBaseBase class for Common File Dialogs
CAknConfirmationNoteWrapper for CAknNoteDialog implementing a Confirmation Note as from S60 specifications
CAknContextPaneA default control in the status pane's context pane
CAknControlUI framework base class for all Avkon controls
CAknDateSettingPageThis class is used for entering Dates in a "Code" setting page
CAknDialogBase class for different types of AknDialogs
CAknDocumentBase class for a Series 60 application document
CAknDoubleNumberStyleListBoxList_double_number_pane and list_big_single_number_pane
CAknDoubleSpanScrollBarScroll bar without buttons, but it has a shaft
CAknDoubleStyleListBoxList_double_pane and list_big_single_pane
CAknDurationQueryDialogThis class should be used when user is reguest to enter duration
CAknDurationSettingPageThis class is used for entering duration in a "Code" setting page
CAknEdwinSettingPageThis class is an intermediate pure virtual class for all setting page classes that host Edwins
CAknEdwinStateStores the (FEP) states of editor controls
CAknEdwinState::SEditorCbaStateControl's button array and softkey command id's
CAknEnumeratedItem< T >Makes a template class from CAknEnumeratedItemBase
CAknEnumeratedItemBaseBase class for a data object to hold a pointer and a corresponding integer value
CAknEnumeratedTextPopupSettingItemSetting item type for CAknEnumeratedItems
CAknEnvThis class is a Series 60 extension to CEikonEnv
CAknErrorNoteWrapper for CAknNoteDialog implementing an Error Note as from S60 specifications
CAknExtMultilineQueryControlDerived Multiline query control class
CAknExtMultilineQueryControl::TIndexLAF indexing
CAknExtQueryControlThe extended control for a query dialog
CAknExtQueryControl::TIndexManage indexes into LAF tables
CAknFileNamePromptDialogA class that launches a pop-up dialog for filename prompting
CAknFileSelectionDialogA class that launches a popup dialog for file selection or directory browsing
CAknFilteredTextListBoxModelThis class shows how application should build its model for filtered items
CAknFixedPointQueryDialogThis class should be used when user is reguest to enter IP address
CAknFloatingPointQueryDialogThis class should be used when user is reguest to enter a flotaing point number
CAknFormForms are special types of dialogs
CAknFormGraphicStyleListBoxList_form_graphic_pane Form popup field should use this
CAknGlobalConfirmationQueryCAknGlobalConfirmationQuery Uses notification framework to show a global confirmation query
CAknGlobalListQueryCAknGlobalListQuery Uses notification framework to show a global list query
CAknGlobalMsgQueryCAknGlobalMsgQuery Uses notification framework to show a global message query
CAknGlobalNoteThis class handles the global notes
CAknGlobalProgressDialogCAknGlobalProgressDialog Uses notification framework to show a global progress dialog
CAknGMSPopupGridThe window part of a gms grid
CAknGMSStyleGridImplements the grid for the PhotoAlbum A markable grid_large_graphic_pane, with 2 columns
CAknGMSStyleGridViewView for the grid component
CAknGridApplication grid handling class from Avkon
CAknGridMModel class to CAknGrid
CAknGridViewCAknGridView handles the drawing, the mapping of the grid data index to the underlying listbox index (and visa versa) as well as the movement around the grid
CAknGridView::SGridEnumeration flags for different layouts
CAknIconCleanup stack helper
CAknIconArrayIcon array helper class
CAknIndicatorContainerA default control in the status pane's small indicator pane
CAknInfoPopupNoteControllerThe controller part of popup
CAknInformationNoteWrapper for CAknNoteDialog implementing an Information Note as from S60 specifications
CAknInputFrameImplements an input frame which can contain any CCoeControl
CAknInputLanguageInfoInput Language information interface
CAknInputLanguageItemInput Language Item class
CAknInputLanguageListClass to hold a list of CAknInputLanguageItem objects
CAknIntegerEdwinImplements an editor for an integer values
CAknIntegerSettingItemAbstract setting item for integer editing
CAknIntegerSettingPageSetting page specialized for display of CAknIntegerEdwin
CAknIpAddressQueryDialogThis class should be used when user is reguest to enter IP address
CAknIpFieldEditorThe CAknIpFieldEditor class implements an editor for an IP address
CAknIpFieldSettingItemIP Address setting item
CAknIpFieldSettingPageSetting page class for entering an IP Address
CAknKeySoundSystemThis is an interface for controlling keysounds from Avkon
CAknLayoutFontThis abstract class is a CFbsFont that can update itself (re-bind a font) and has standard Series 60 layout API available
CAknListBoxFilterItemsListbox item filtering
CAknListBoxSettingPageIntermediate setting page class to soak up common listbox setting page code
CAknListQueryControlList query control class
CAknListQueryDialogList query class
CAknLocalScreenClearerThis class is for use inside applications for screen blanking
CAknLocationEditorEditor for TPosition type; latitude and longitude editor
CAknMarkableListDialogCAknMarkableListDialog is an interface for applications
CAknMemorySelectionDialogA class that launches a pop-up dialog for memory selection
CAknMemorySelectionSettingItemCAknMemorySelectionSettingItem is a setting item class that launches a CAknMemorySelectionSettingPage
CAknMemorySelectionSettingPageA class that launches a popup setting page for memory selection
CAknMessageQueryControlInterface to control to implement message queries, to be contained within CAknMessageQueryDialog
CAknMessageQueryDialogMessage query dialog
CAknMfneSettingPageThis class is used as the base for the date, time, duration and Ip editor setting page types
CAknMultiLineDataQueryDialogQuery dialog with data input on more than one line (2 lines at the moment)
CAknMultiLineIpQueryDialogQuery Dialog with data input on more than one line (2 lines at the moment)
CAknMultilineQueryControlMultiline query control class
CAknMultilineQueryControl::TIndexLAF indexing
CAknNavigationControlContainerA default control in the status pane's navigation pane
CAknNavigationDecoratorDecorator class for navigation pane controls
CAknNaviLabelLabel control to the status pane's navigation pane
CAknNoteControlThe control for a note dialog
CAknNoteControl::TIndexManage indexes into LAF tables
CAknNoteDialogThe note dialog
CAknNoteWrapperBase class for implementing commonly used notes
CAknNotifyBaseBase class for handling RNotifier
CAknNumberQueryDialogThis class should be used when user is reguest to enter number
CAknNumericEdwinIntermediate class for defining data shared between numeric edwins
CAknNumericPasswordSettingPageThis class is used for numeric passwords
CAknNumericSecretEditorAn editor for a numeric password
CAknPasswordSettingItemClass for holding a password setting item
CAknPasswordSettingPageBase class for Password editors to ensure that their general functionality is consistent
CAknPictographInterfacePictograph interface
CAknPopupFieldRepresents a combo box type control, used to implement the Series 60 pop-up field
CAknPopupField::CAknPopupFieldBitmapButtonSpecialises bitmap button to make the layout correct for popup field
CAknPopupFieldListNo longer implemented, do not use
CAknPopupFieldTextRepresents a text combo box type control which is used to implement the Series 60 text pop-up field
CAknPopupHeadingPaneHeader control for queries
CAknPopupListUsed to popup a list or grid
CAknPopupNotifyClass for displaying a message using a notifier pop-up
CAknPopupSettingListRepresents menu list that appears in a popped up setting item
CAknPopupSettingPageInterface for the setting page containing a menu list with a Query value data model This is the more generic of the list-style setting pages
CAknPreviewPopUpControllerClass for controlling the preview popup component
CAknQueryControlThe control for a query dialog
CAknQueryControl::TIndexManage indexes into LAF tables
CAknQueryDialogGeneral query dialog
CAknQueryValuePure virtual class that adds some standard functionality for queries
CAknQueryValueDateEncapsulates a date value
CAknQueryValueDateArrayWraps an array of dates, adapts it into a descriptor array
CAknQueryValueDurationEncapsulates a TTimeIntervalSeconds
CAknQueryValueDurationArrayWraps an array of numeric values, adapts it into a descriptor array
CAknQueryValueNumberEncapsulates a TInt
CAknQueryValueNumberArrayWraps an array of numeric values, adapts it into a descriptor array
CAknQueryValuePhoneEncapsulates a string
CAknQueryValuePhoneArrayWraps a descriptor array
CAknQueryValueTextEncapsulates a string
CAknQueryValueTextArrayWraps a descriptor array
CAknQueryValueTimeEncapsulates a TTime value
CAknQueryValueTimeArrayWraps an array of TTime, adapts it into a descriptor array
CAknRadioButtonSettingPageThis class sets out a radio button listbox within a setting page
CAknResourceNoteDialogHelper base class for implementing specialised note classes
CAknsAnimationCommandAnimation command data class
CAknsAnimationItemDataAnimation item data
CAknsAnimationValueAnimation value data class
CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContextImplementation of a control context that provides a layout background with a background bitmap and its layout rectangle
CAknsBitmapItemDataBitmap item data
CAknsBmpAnimItemDataBitmap animation item data
CAknsColorTableItemDataColor table item data
CAknScreenClearerBaseThis class is base class for screen blanking
CAknScrollButtonImplements a scroll buttons of a scroll bar
CAknSearchFieldImplements a Search field control
CAknsEffectCommandEffect command data class
CAknsEffectQueueItemDataEffect queue item data
CAknSelectionListDialogCAknSelectionListDialog is the actual interface to the applications
CAknSetStyleListBoxList_set_pane Setting Page component uses this
CAknSetStyleListBoxViewEmpty list for settings item editing
CAknSettingItemCAknSettingItem is the base class for all setting items
CAknSettingItemArrayThis class holds the setting items themselves and also manages the bitmap array
CAknSettingNumberStyleListBoxList_setting_number_pane and list_big_single_setting_number_pane
CAknSettingStyleListBoxList_setting_pane and list_big_single_setting_pane
CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContextImplementation of a control context that provides a layout background generated from a frame item
CAknsImageItemDataImage item data
CAknsImageTableItemDataIcon table item data
CAknsItemDataBase class for item data classes
CAknsLayeredBackgroundControlContextImplementation of a control context that provides one or more layered backgrounds with their layout rectangles
CAknSliderSettingItemSlider control setting item
CAknsListBoxBackgroundControlContextImplementation of a control context that provides a layout background with a background bitmap, its layout rectangle, a secondary bitmap that will be tiled in its own layout rectangle and third bitmap for the bottom part with its layout rectangle
CAknsMaskedBitmapItemDataMasked bitmap item data
CAknSoundInfoProvides structure needed for passing the sound information for applications that create own instances to MediaServer
CAknsStringItemDataString item data
CAknStaticNoteDialogStatic note dialog
CAknStaticNoteStackIndicatorStatic note stack indicator
CAknsTimingModelTiming model data class
CAknTabImplements tab control
CAknTabGroupTab group functionality for navigation pane
CAknTextQueryDialogThis class should be used when user is reguest to enter plain text, secret text, phonenumber or PIN-code
CAknTextSettingItemSupport for abstact text setting type
CAknTimeOffsetSettingItemTime Offset Setting Item
CAknTimeOffsetSettingPageTime offset setting page
CAknTimeOrDateSettingItemTime or Date Setting Item
CAknTimeQueryDialogThis class should be used when user is reguest to enter time or date
CAknTimeSettingPageThis class is used for entering Times in a "Code" setting page
CAknTitlePaneA default control in the status pane's title pane
CAknUnitEditorA multi-field numeric editor for displaying and editing a floating value and an associated label
CAknViewThis is an abstract base class for a Series 60 application view
CAknViewAppUiBase class for view architecture-based applications
CAknViewAppUi::TAknSplitViewContainerContainer class used to hold information about one split view
CAknVolumeControlUsed for controlling the volume setting on the phone
CAknVolumeSettingItemAn abstract integer setting that uses the volume control as its editor
CAknWaitDialogThis class is exactly like CAknProgressDialog except it should be used when the progress of the process cannot be traced and the length of the process is unknown
CAknWaitNoteWrapperCAknWaitNoteWrapper class
CAknWarningNoteWrapper for CAknNoteDialog implementing a Warning Note as from S60 specifications
CAknWsEventMonitorThis class distributes events to the window server event observers; It is itself a window server event observer
CalenInterimUtilsThis class contains utility methods related to usage of Calendar Interim API This class is deprecated
CApAccessPointItemCApAccessPointItem is used to exchange data between engine and client
CApDataHandlerRepresentation of the access point handler
CApListItem< This class is used to hold the main information of an access point
CApListItemListA list of CApListItem-s pointers; items are owned
CApNetworkItem< This class is used to hold the main information of a Network item
CApNetworkItemListA list of CApNetworkItem-s pointers; items are owned
CApNetworksThis class is used to help client's network selection
CApSelectThis class is used to help client's access point selection
CApSettingsHandlerCApSettingsHandler class: It is the main handler for the Access Point settings
CApUtilsRepresentation of access point utilities
CAudioEffectThis is the base class for audio effects
CAudioEqualizerThis is the Equalizer effect class for managing audio equalizer settings
CAudioEqualizerUtilityThis is the Equalizer Utility class for managing audio equalizer presets
CBassBoostThis is the bass boost effect class for managing audio bass boost settings
CBCardEngineThe business card engine is able to import and export vCards and Compact Business Cards to and from Phonebook
CBrCtlInterfaceBase class of the Browser Control API
CBrCtlObjectInfoUsed to represent the information about the plugin object
CCalenInterimUtils2This class contains utility methods related to usage of Calendar Interim API
CCenRepNotifyHandlerActive object wrapper for Central Repository one-shot notification handling
CClkDateTimeViewCommon "Date & Time" settings view class This is a dynamic link library which provides APIs for using the common Date and Time Settings view
CCmApplicationSettingsUiFor launching the Application Settings UI
CColumnListBoxDataThe CColumnListBoxData class handles the data required to draw a column list box
CColumnListBoxData::TColorsRepresents the colours used within the border and for the optional single pixel border outlines
CColumnListBoxItemDrawerDraws the contents of list box items
CColumnListBoxItemDrawer::SListPropertiesThe structure holding given item properties
CConnMonBearerAvailabilityChangeCConnMonBearerAvailabilityChange Event is triggered when the availability of some bearer changes
CConnMonBearerChangeCConnMonBearerChange Event is triggered when bearer type (GPRS / Edge GPRS / WCDMA) changes
CConnMonBearerGroupChangeCConnMonBearerGroupChange Event is triggered when bearer group(s) for the connection changes
CConnMonBearerInfoChangeCConnMonBearerInfoChange Event is triggered when bearer info for the connection changes or if the network mode changes e.g
CConnMonConnectionActivityChangeCConnMonConnectionActivityChange Event is triggered when some connection changes from active to idle or vice versa
CConnMonConnectionStatusChangeCConnMonConnectionStatusChange Event is triggered when the status of some connection changes
CConnMonCreateConnectionCConnMonCreateConnection Event is triggered when a new connection has been been created
CConnMonCreateSubConnectionCConnMonCreateSubConnection Event is triggered when a new subconnection has been been created
CConnMonDeleteConnectionCConnMonDeleteConnection Event is triggered when a connection has been been deleted
CConnMonDeleteSubConnectionCConnMonDeleteSubConnection Event is triggered when a subconnection has been been deleted
CConnMonDownlinkDataThresholdCConnMonDownlinkDataThreshold Event is triggered when there is a change in the volume of downlink data for some connection
CConnMonEventBaseCConnMonEventBase Base class for all event types
CConnMonGenericEventCConnMonGenericEvent Event is triggered when a plug-in engine sends a bearer specific event that is unknown to the Connection Monitor server
CConnMonIapAvailabilityChangeCConnMonIapAvailabilityChange Event is triggered when when IAP Availability changes
CConnMonNetworkRegistrationChangeCConnMonNetworkRegistrationChange Event is triggered when network registration status (GSM/GPRS/WCDMA) changes
CConnMonNetworkStatusChangeCConnMonNetworkStatusChange Event is triggered when network status changes for some connection
CConnMonNewWLANNetworkDetectedCConnNewWLANNetworkDetected Event is triggered when new WLAN network is detected
CConnMonOldWLANNetworkLostCConnOldWLANNetworkLost Event is triggered when old WLAN network is lost
CConnMonPacketDataAvailableCConnMonPacketDataAvailable Event is triggered when packet data connections are no longer being unavailable because of no dual transfer mode support and simultaneous phone call being active Connection id passed in the event is generic TConnMonBearerGPRS or TConnMonBearerWCDMA
CConnMonPacketDataUnavailableCConnMonPacketDataUnavailable Event is triggered when dual transfer mode is not supported and call status changes resulting in blocking of packet data connections Connection id passed in the event is generic TConnMonBearerGPRS or TConnMonBearerWCDMA
CConnMonSignalStrengthChangeCConnMonSignalStrengthChange Event is triggered when signal strength (dB) changes
CConnMonSNAPsAvailabilityChangeCConnMonSNAPsAvailabilityChange Event is triggered when when SNAPs Availability changes
CConnMonTransmitPowerChangeCConnMonTransmitPowerChange Event is triggered when the used transmit power (mW) changes (WLAN)
CConnMonUplinkDataThresholdCConnMonUplinkDataThreshold Event is triggered when there is a change in the volume of uplink data for some connection
CConnMonWlanNetworkCConnMonWlanNetwork is a class, incapsulated Wlan network abstraction Is able to be transferred through processes (client/server) in object's size-independent manner, to meet backward/forward compatibility
CConnMonWlanNetworksPtrArrayPckgPackage of array of items of class CConnMonWlanNetwork
CDirectoryLocalizerDirectory Localizer interface class
CDistanceAttenuationThis is the Distance Attenuation effect class for managing audio Distance Attenuation settings
CDocumentHandlerUtility class for opening and saving any supported content
CDopplerThis is the Doppler effect class for managing doppler settings
CDoubleLargeStyleItemDrawerThumbnail image positioning for double large styles
CDownloadMgrUiBaseAbstaract base class for UI Lib classes with UI controls
CDownloadMgrUiDownloadMenuDownload menu support
CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsListDisplay list of downloads
CDownloadMgrUiLibRegistrySupports registration of a User Interactions and a Downloads List component
CDownloadMgrUiUserInteractionsThe User Interactions supports the followings:
  • User confirmation when content-type header arrives
  • Handling completed downloads
  • Querying HTTP authentication credentials
  • Querying proxy authentication credentials
  • Error notification
  • Client App termination by the User
CDRMHelperHandles some error situations DRM-aware applications may encounter
CDRMHelperRightsConstraintsHelper class for wrapping CDRMRightsConstraints
CDRMLicenseCheckerCheck and decrypt protected data files encrypted by the license manager
CDrmPlayerUtilityUsed by third party developers to play sampled audio data
CEikAlignedControlExtends CAknControl to support control alignment and margins
CEikAppStatusPaneModelStatus pane model for application status pane
CEikArrowHeadScrollBarScroll bar which uses only two small nudge button arrows to scroll up and down
CEikBitmapButtonA command button with a single bitmap
CEikBorderedControlA control which is drawn surrounded by a rectangular border
CEikButtonBaseBase class for button controls
CEikButtonGroupContainerWrapper around the different button arrays used in pen and no-pen devices
CEikButtonGroupFactoryArrayArray storing the button group factory functions
CEikButtonGroupStackA list of all button groups currently available within a thread
CEikCbaDefines a Control Button Array control, used in Avkon to define the softkeys in the control pane
CEikCbaButtonEIKON CBA button class definition
CEikCbaButton::SButtonOptionsHolds information about command id and dimming status for a button
CEikColumnListBoxColumn list box control
CEikColumnListBoxEditorThe CEikColumnListBoxEditor class implements an item editor for column list boxes
CEikCommandButtonCommand button with a text and/or an image
CEikCommandButtonBaseBase class for buttons that generate commands
CEikCommandTableHolds (enhanced) CBA commands and handles command ordering due to placement rules
CEikCtlLibraryProovides static functions called by CEikDllInitializer; setting EikCtl library resources in Cone and giving access to its controls via ControlFactoryFuncArray() in EikonEnv
CEikDateEditorDate editor
CEikDialogThe CEikDialog class provides an instantiable base class for dialogs
CEikDialogPageImplements a scrollable dialog page control
CEikDialogPageContainerOne or more dialog pages and provides an interface to the active page
CEikDurationEditorDuration editor
CEikEdwinBase class for controls that display and allow manipulation of text
CEikEnhancedCbaButtonSpecialization of CEikCbaButton for the new Enhanced CBA button
CEikFileNameLabelFile name label is a bordered control that displays the application name
CEikFixedPointEditorThis class presents an editor modifying a real
CEikFloatingPointEditorThis class presents an editor modifying a real
CEikFormattedCellListBoxAvkon base class similar to uikon's column listbox
CEikGlobalTextEditorGlobal text editor
CEikHotKeyTableAn array for hotkey commands and their associated key codes and modifiers
CEikImageThe package class CEikImage enables bitmaps to be packaged into an image
CEikInfoDialogEikon info dialog, contains a title, message and Yes/No buttons
CEikInverterCommandButtonCommand button which swaps the foreground and background colors used to draw the button contents when the button is pressed
CEikLabelEnables one or more lines of text to be displayed
CEikLabeledButtonThis class combines a command button with a label and a hotkey binding
CEikListBoxBase class for an on-screen list box control from which one or more items can be selected
CEikListBoxTextEditorThe CEikListBoxTextEditor implements a text list box item editor
CEikMenuBarMenu bars are constructed from MENU_BAR resources and issue application commands which should be handled by overriding CEikAppUi::HandleCommandL()
CEikMenuBar::CTitleArrayThis class enables construction, and destruction of an array of information about menu bar titles
CEikMenuBarTitleEncapsulates the data needed to define a menu bar title and provides some of the functionality required to display the title
CEikMenuBarTitle::SDataDefines a menu bar
CEikMenuButtonThis class implements a command button that, when pressed, raises a Menu pane
CEikMenuPaneMenu panes are opened by activating the menu title (CEikMenuPaneTitle / MENU_TITLE) which is displayed in the menu bar (CEikMenuBar / MENU_BAR)
CEikMenuPane::CItemArrayThis class provides a constructor to create an array of menu pane items and a destructor to destroy an array of menu pane items
CEikMenuPaneItemThe CEikMenuPaneItem class encapsulates the data needed to define a menu pane item and provides some of the functionality required to display the item
CEikMenuPaneItem::SDataStruct to menu pane item
CEikMenuPaneTitleThis class is not intended to be used by application programmers
CEikMfneMulti-field numeric editor abstract base class
CEikMfneFieldAbstract base class for fields within a multi-field numeric editor
CEikMfneNumberA number field within a multi-field numeric editor
CEikMfneSeparatorA separator field for a multi-field numeric editor
CEikMfneSymbolA symbol field for a multi-field numeric editor
CEikMfneSymbol::CItemAn item within a symbol field in an MFNE
CEikMoverImplements a draggable bar that can be used as the title bar of a dialog window
CEikNumberEditorInteger editor
CEikProgressInfoControl used to indicate the progress of an operation
CEikProgressInfo::SInfoDefines the progress control's type
CEikProgressInfo::SLayoutDefines the layout and colours for a progress information control
CEikRangeEditorNumeric range editor
CEikRichTextEditorRich text editor
CEikScrollBarImplements a scroll bar
CEikScrollBar::SEikScrollBarButtonsEncapsulates pointers to the scroll bar buttons
CEikScrollBarFrameThe scroll bar frame is a control assemblage manager that relates a control, or control body, to two scroll bars and a corner window
CEikSecretEditorA single line text editor which displays an asterisk for every character entered
CEikSettingsListBoxList box base class
CEikSnakingListBoxThis is a list box that scrolls horizontally, displaying its items in as many vertical columns as needed
CEikSnakingTextListBoxHorizontal snaking text list box
CEikSpacerAn invisible control that is used to provide a space between visible controls
CEikStatusPaneApplication side status pane class
CEikStatusPaneBaseThe base class for status panes
CEikStatusPaneBase::TPaneCapabilitiesDescribes the capabilities of a subpane
CEikStatusPaneLayoutThis class calculates and stores the screen area available for each sub pane layout
CEikStatusPaneLayoutTreeThis class calculates and stores the screen area available for each layout tree
CEikStatusPaneModelBaseBase class for status pane model
CEikStatusPaneModelBase::CIdLayoutPairInternal class to CEikStatusPaneModel, which ties layout resource IDs to layout structures
CEikStatusPaneSetInitThis class stores array of TEikStatusPaneInit instances
CEikTextButtonA command button with a text label
CEikTextListBoxList box for displaying text
CEikTimeAndDateEditorTime and date editor
CEikTimeEditorTime editor
CEikTimeOffsetEditorTime offset editor
CEikToolBarA vertical group of controls displayed down the right-hand side of the screen in an application
CEikTTimeEditorSpecifies an abstract interface for time and date editors where the time and date are set and retrieved using the TTime class
CEikTwoPictureCommandButtonCommand button which can hold two pictures as well as label text
CEnvironmentalReverbThis is the Environmental Reverb effect class for managing reverb settings
CEnvironmentalReverbUtilityThis is the EnvironmentalReverb Utility class for managing audio EnvironmentalReverb presets
CErrorUIUtility class to display error notes by applications
CExifModifyCExifModify Interface class for modifying existing Exif v2.2 (or prior) file format or creating Exif v2.2 file format using valid Jpeg image
CExifReadCExifRead Interface class for parsing Exif v2.2 file format
CExifTagInterface class for handling Exif Tags
CExtendedItemDataA helper class for extending CEikMenuPaneItem without breaking binary compability
CFavouritesItemCFavouritesItem is the base class for representing one favourites entry (item or folder)
CFavouritesItemListCFavouritesItemList is the Array of CFavouritesItem-s
CFeatureDiscoveryClass used to query which features are suppported in the environment
CFindItemEngineClass is used to parse phone numbers and email, URL and URI addresses from given text
CFindItemEngine::SFoundItemStruct to contain an item
CFormattedCellGridDataCPopupFormattedListBoxData draws list items for grids
CFormattedCellListBoxDataCFormattedCellListBoxData can draw list items
CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawerCFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer draws a single list item and manages list item properties
CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer::SListPropertiesList item index and color and style properties
CFormattedCellListBoxViewCFormattedCellListBoxView draws all the list items and manages the area of the screen allocated for list itself
CFormGraphicListBoxDataCSettingItemEditingListBoxData draws list items for form popup fields Special feature of this class is the rectangular style of highlight used in popup fields
CHWRMLightThe class used to control the device lights
CHWRMVibraThe class used to control the device vibra
CImConnectionInstant Messaging API class By creating this class the user automatically connects to the Symbian server but to do something reasonable the IM interface has to be created using this class
CImLauncherPluginInterface class for application launching
CListBoxDataThe CListBoxData class is the base class for list box data classes
CListBoxNumbersAutomatic numbering for list items
CListBoxViewList box view
CListenerDopplerThis is the Listener Doppler effect class for managing Listener Doppler settings
CListenerLocationThis is the listener location effect class for managing audio location settings
CListenerOrientationThis is the listener orientation effect class for managing audio orientation settings
CListItemDrawerThe CListItemDrawer class is the base class for the list box item drawers which handle drawing of the contents of list box items
CLmkCategorySelectorDlgThis is a dialog class, which is used to launch category selector dialog and to get the selected category ids.It displays the categories present in landmarks database,as a list.The dialog can be a single selector or multiple selector dialog, depending upon argument passed by the client (in ExecuteLD function) at the time when it is launched.Based on whether it is a single selector or multiple selector dialog, user can select single category or multiple categories
CLmkEditorDlgThis is a dialog class, which is used to launch landmark viewer/editor
CLmkEditorDlg::TLmkEditorParamsThis class is a wrapper, around the flags _TLmkEditorAttributes and _TLmkEditorMode
CLmkLandmarkSelectorDlgThis is a dialog class, which is used to launch landmark selector dialog and to get the selected landmark ids.It displays the landmarks present in landmarks database,as a list.The dialog can be a single selector or multiple selector dialog, depending upon argument passed by the client (in ExecuteLD function) at the time when it is launched.Based on whether it is a single selector or multiple selector dialog, user can select single landmark or multiple landmarks
CLocationThis is the base class for location effect settings
CLoudnessThis is the Loudness effect class for managing audio Loudness settings
CMessageAddressEncapsulates message recipient real address and alias
CMessageDataEncapsulates the message data for sending services
CMmsClientMtmClient Mtm for multimedia messaging subsystem
CMsgBioControlThe base class for Bio controls
CNotepadApiAPIs of Notepad library
CommonPhoneParserClass offers static methods for parsing and validating phone numbers
ConnMonIdsArrayPckgPackage of array of items of class TConnMonId
ContentListingFactoryFactory for Content Listing Framework
COrientationThis is the orientation effect base class
CPbkAddressSelectThis class is the abstrack base class for Phonebook address selection dialogs
CPbkAddressSelect::TBaseParamsParameters for ExecuteLD(TBaseParams&)
CPbkContactChangeNotifierA class used for registering as an observer for contact database change events
CPbkContactEditorDlgA contact editing dialog implementation
CPbkContactEngineThe main entrypoint to the Phonebook contact engine
CPbkContactItemPhonebook Contact item class
CPbkContactIterPhonebook contact iterator
CPbkDataSaveAppUiPhonebook Data Save service helper
CPbkEmailAddressSelectEmail address selection dialog
CPbkEmailAddressSelect::TParamsParameters for ExecuteLD(TParams&)
CPbkEmailOverSmsAddressSelectPhonebook Email over SMS (SMS With Email) number selection dialog
CPbkEmailOverSmsAddressSelect::TParamsParameters for ExecuteLD(TParams&)
CPbkFieldArrayArray of TPbkContactItemField instances
CPbkFieldInfoPhonebook constant field type information
CPbkFieldsInfoPhonebook field types collection class
CPbkIconInfoContainerCollection of phonebook icon info objects
CPbkIdleFinderPhonebook idle finder class
CPbkItemTypeSelectAddToExistingField type selection dialog for Phonebook's Add to Existing-service
CPbkItemTypeSelectCreateNewField type selection dialog for Phonebook's Create New service
CPbkMemoryEntryAddItemDlgField type selection dialog for Phonebook's Create New- and Edit Memory entry-functions
CPbkMmsAddressSelectPhonebook MMS number selection dialog
CPbkMmsAddressSelect::TParamsParameters for ExecuteLD(TParams&)
CPbkMultipleEntryFetchDlgPhonebook Multiple Entry Fetch API
CPbkMultipleEntryFetchDlg::TParamsMultiple entry fetch parameter class
CPbkPhoneNumberSelectPhonebook call number selection dialog
CPbkPhoneNumberSelect::TParamsParameters for ExecuteLD(TParams&)
CPbkPhoneNumberSelectBaseBase class for Phonebook phone number selection queries
CPbkPocAddressSelectPhonebook POC number selection dialog
CPbkPocAddressSelect::TParamsParameters for ExecuteLD(TParams&)
CPbkSelectFieldDlgPhonebook field selection dialog
CPbkSingleEntryFetchDlgPhonebook Single Entry Fetch API
CPbkSingleEntryFetchDlg::TParamsSingle entry fetch parameter class
CPbkSingleItemFetchDlgPhonebook Single Item Fetch API
CPbkSingleItemFetchDlg::TParamsSingle item fetch parameter class
CPbkSmsAddressSelectPhonebook SMS address selection dialog
CPbkSmsAddressSelect::TParamsParameters for ExecuteLD(TParams&)
CPbkVideoNumberSelectPhonebook video call number selection dialog
CPbkVideoNumberSelect::TParamsParameters for ExecuteLD(TParams&)
CPbkViewStateGeneric Phonebook view state class
CPbkVoipAddressSelectPhonebook Voip number selection dialog
CPbkVoipAddressSelect::TParamsParameters for ExecuteLD(TParams&)
CPopupFormattedListBoxDataCPopupFormattedListBoxData draws list items for popup windows Special feature of this class is the narrower style of highlight used in popups
CPosLandmarkThis is a container class for a landmark
CPosLandmarkCategoryLandmark category
CPosLandmarkDatabaseHandle to a landmark database
CPosLandmarkDatabase::TSizeEncapsulates size information for a landmark database
CPosLandmarkEncoderClass used for encoding landmark content
CPosLandmarkParserClass used for parsing landmark content
CPosLandmarkSearchThis class is used to perform searches for landmarks or landmark categories in a landmark database
CPosLmAreaCriteriaCriterion for searching for landmarks which reside in a certain area
CPosLmCategoryCriteriaCriterion used for searching for landmarks which belong to a certain category
CPosLmCategoryManagerCategory management for a landmark database
CPosLmCatNameCriteriaCriterion for searching landmark categories with a certain name
CPosLmCompositeCriteriaClass used to combine multiple search criterion
CPosLmDatabaseManagerThis class is used to manage landmark databases
CPosLmDisplayDataDisplayable data collection
CPosLmDisplayItemDisplayable item
CPosLmIdListCriteriaLandmark ID list search criterion
CPosLmItemIteratorLandmark item iterator
CPosLmMultiDbSearchCPosLmMultiDbSearch is used to perform searches for landmarks or landmark categories in multiple databases
CPosLmMultiDbSearch::TSearchErrorStruct containing a search error
CPosLmNearestCriteriaCriterion for finding the landmarks which are closest to a certain coordinate, called "center coordinate"
CPosLmOperationBase class for handles to landmark operations
CPosLmPartialReadParametersContainer class for partial landmark settings
CPosLmSearchCriteriaAbstract base class for landmark search criterion classes
CPosLmTextCriteriaCriterion for searching for landmarks which contain a certain text
CPtiCoreLanguageImplementation class for a PtiEngine language
CPtiEngineCPtiEngine class
CRequestorEach instance of a CRequestor class is used to hold the identity of one of the parties involved requesting the location
CRequestorBaseThis is the base class for the requestor information class
CRichBioA UI control used by Smart Messaging Viewers
CRoomLevelThis is the Environmental RoomLevel effect class for managing RoomLevel settings
CSatelliteInfoUIImplements entry point class to Satellite Info UI
CScreensaverPluginInterfaceDefinitionThis base class for screensaver ECom plugin implemenation
CSelectableItemClass to encapsulate text and Boolean status; An array of these provides the interface to the CheckBoxSettingPage The boolean status can be changed after construction, but the text cannot be changed
CSelectionItemListArray type for holding selection items
CSenBaseAttributeClass offers basic implementation of an XML attribute XML attribute is a name-value pair type value object, which may or may not have a namespace prefix
CSenBaseElementImplementation of an XML element functionality Content is stored in UTF-8 form XML
CSenBaseFragmentClass implements basic functionality of an XML fragment Typically BaseFragment is used to parse certain part of some XML document
CSenCredentialClass implements (web) service credential functionality
CSendingServiceInfoEncapsulates the ECom plugged sending service data
CSenDomFragmentClass implements DOM fragment functionality The implementation further extends CSenBaseFragment functionality
CSendUiOffers "Send" pop-up list and message creation and sending services
CSenElementAbstract class definition of XML element
CSenFragmentAbstract base class declaring XML fragment interface
CSenIdentityProviderClass describes some IdentityProvider service Class is intented to be used when registrating information about some identity providing service
CSenIdentityProviderIdArray8Array utility class for listing pre-known ProviderIDs Typical use of this class is to define a strict list of ProviderIDs pointing to certain IDPs, which are to be accepted as only suitable services when initiating an new service connection
CSenNamespaceImplementation of XML namespace functionality All data is in UTF-8 form
CSenServiceConnectionThe class for connecting to service providers through Web Services Framework (WSF)
CSenServiceManagerCSenServiceManager class offers API for accessing and managing WebServicesFramework (WSF) service and identity related data
CSenServicePatternClass derives the XML service description and further extends it by implementing consumer policy interface
CSenSoapEnvelopeCSenSoapEnvelope is an utility class offering capability to parse XML SOAP envelope and manipulation methods to alter its contents
CSenSoapFaultThis utility class represents SOAP fault element according to SOAP fault specification
CSenSoapMessageCSenSoapMessage extends basic SOAP envelope functionality by offering methods to set the security header and security token
CSenWsSecurityHeaderCSenWsSecurityHeader represents security header functionality according to oasis web services security (WSS) specifications (2004/01)
CSenXmlReaderClass extends Symbian XML framework parser functionality Callers of this class must register some handler which will then receive XML callback events from underlying Symbian XML framework
CSenXmlServiceDescriptionCSenXmlServiceDescription class implements the most common value object used in WSF, which is used to describe some invocable service
CSettingItemEditingListBoxDataCSettingItemEditingListBoxData draws list items for setting page Special feature of this class is the rectangular style of highlight used in settings
CSettingsListBoxItemDrawerItem drawer class for CEikSettingsListBox
CSettingsListBoxViewView class for CEikSettingsListBox
CSingleHeadingStyleItemDrawerHorizontal lines support for item drawer
CSingleHeadingStyleViewHorizontal lines and empty list support for views
CSourceDopplerThis is the source Doppler effect class for managing source Doppler settings
CSourceLocationThis is the source location effect class for managing source location settings
CSourceOrientationThis is the source orientation effect class for managing source orientation settings
CStereoWideningThis is the Stereo Widening effect class for managing audio Stereo Widening settings
CStereoWideningUtilityThis is the StereoWidening Utility class for managing audio StereoWidening presets
CTextListBoxModelText list box model
CTextListItemDrawerItem drawer which can handle text
CTextResolverClass offers functionality for resolving corresponding error texts for error codes
CVibraControlInterface that is used to control the device vibration feature
CWordWrappedFormattedCellItemDrawerWord wrapping for double2 styles
EikButtonGroupFactoryInterface to the button group factory
EikButtonGroupFactory::TCreationDataDefines information required to create a button group
FlashUIConfigStructure containing configuration information for UI
HPositionGenericInfoClass for getting arbitrary positioning related information back from the location server
HPosLmDatabaseInfoHPosLmDatabaseInfo encapsulates information about a landmark database
MActiveApDbObserverMixin protocol for handling events from a CCommsDatabase
MAiwNotifyCallbackAbstract callback interface to handle callbacks or events from providers
MAknAliasKeyCodeResolverAvkon key resolver interface
MAknBackgroundProcessAbstract process divided into steps
MAknEditingStateIndicatorAn abstact class of which virtual methods implementation should be provided for FEP component
MAknEdStateObserverInterface for handling control's state change
MAknFadedComponentMAknFadedComponent is an array of controls
MAknFileFilterAn abstract interface class for filters
MAknFileSelectionObserverObserver class that can be set to observe if selected item e.g
MAknIconFileProviderThe purpose of this class is for clients to provide opened file handles to icon files, which reside in private directories, where AknIcon server has no access
MAknInfoPopupNoteObserverObserver class for notifying popup's showing and hiding
MAknIntermediateStateIntermediate state
MAknMemorySelectionObserverObserver class that can be set to observe if selected memory e.g
MAknMfneCommandObserverInterface for giving commands to MFNE editors from the owning controls
MAknPictographDrawerPictograph drawer interface
MAknPopupFieldObserverThis interface should be implemented by classes that need to know about events occurring in the popup field control
MAknPopupSettingListObserverThis interface should be implemented by classes that need to know about events occurring in the popup field control
MAknPreviewPopUpContentProviderInterface used for asynchronous content building for a preview popup
MAknPreviewPopUpObserverInterface for observing preview popup events
MAknQueryControlObserverMAknQueryControlObserver Callback class for CAknQueryDialog
MAknQueryValueMixin class representing a value that is accessed as text
MAknsControlContextInterface that provides context specific skin parameters
MAknsDataContextInterface that provides context sensitive control over data allocation
MAknServerAppExitObserverInterface for monitoring the lifetime of a server app
MAknsRlEffectInterface to skin effect plugin implementation
MAknsRlEffectContextInterface to skin effect context
MAknsRlParameterIteratorInterface to skin effect parameter iterator
MAknsSkinInstanceInterface to skin instance
MAknTouchPaneObserverThe MAknTouchPaneObserver interface allows a touch pane observer to pick up changes in the size or position of the touch pane
MAknWsEventObserverSupport for events to be sent independent of the control stack to other consumers yet internal to the application
MAudioEffectObserverInterface class to be implemented by objects that are interested in receiving events from audio effect
MAudioEqualizerObserverThis is the equalizer effect observer class
MBassBoostObserverThis is the bassboost effect observer class
MBrCtlCommandObserverThis class provides a mechanism for the browser engine to pass commands to the client
MBrCtlDataLoadConsumerCallback interface that provides the Browser Control with the ability to receive content incrementally
MBrCtlDataLoadSupplierCallback interface that provides the Browser Control with the ability to display content incrementally
MBrCtlDialogsProviderThe MBrDialogsProvider class provides functions implemented by the Browser Control to display dialogs, such as error notifications, authentication requests, and selection lists
MBrCtlDownloadObserverHandles download events
MBrCtlLayoutObserverReceives scrolling events when the host application draws the scrollbar
MBrCtlLinkContentInterface that loads the resolved content
MBrCtlLinkResolverContent of an embedded link or the content of a load request that was initiated by the user
MBrCtlLoadEventObserverThe MBrCtlLoadEventObserver interface receives load progress events
MBrCtlSoftkeysObserverHandles requests to change the softkeys
MBrCtlSpecialLoadObserverHandles special load events, such as network connection, non-HTTP(S) load requests, and non-HTML responses
MBrCtlStateChangeObserverReceives state-changed events
MBrCtlWindowObserverHandles window events such open/close/etc
MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallbackClass provides a callback interface for handling the notifification events from the Central Repository
MCLFChangedItemObserverChanged Item Observer interface
MCLFContentListingEngineContent Listing Engine
MCLFCustomGrouperCustom grouper interface of Content Listing Framework
MCLFCustomSorterCustom sorter interface for Content Listing Framework
MCLFItemContent Listing Framework item
MCLFItemListModelList Model for Content Listing Framework
MCLFModifiableItemModifiable item for Content Listing Framework
MCLFOperationObserverOperation Observer is for observing operation events of the Content Listing Framework
MCLFPostFilterPost filter interface for Content Listing Framework
MCLFProcessObserverProcess observer interface for Content Listing Framework
MCLFSortingStyleSorting style for Content Listing Framework
MClkModelObserverInterface attached to concrete observer
MColumnListBoxAnimBackgroundDrawerA callback interface for overriding highlight animation input layer preparation in derived classes
MConnectionMonitorObserverMConnectionMonitorObserver Client application must implement the MConnectionMonitorObserver interface in order to receive notifications
MDesSerializer< T >Interface template for the class T serialization to/from HBuf/TPtr Class T could be any type of class (T, C, etc)
MDistanceAttenuationObserverThis is the distance attenuation effect observer class
MDopplerObserverThis is the doppler effect observer class
MDownloadMgrUiLibRegModelThis abstarct class represents an accessor for the resources of the UI Lib Registry
MDownloadsListDlgObserverObserver interface of CDownloadsListDlg
MDrmAudioPlayerCallbackInterface class for DRM Player callbacks
MEikButtonGroupAbstract base class for EIKON button group
MEikCalendarObserverCalendar observer interface
MEikCcpuEditorInterface for cut, copy, paste and undo functionality
MEikDialogPageObserverInterface through which the behaviour of the pages of a dialog may be observed
MEikEdwinObserverInterface class describing the functionality expected of an observer for CEikEdwins
MEikEdwinSizeObserverInterface to handle changes to an edwin's size
MEikEnhancedButtonGroupExtends needed functions for enhanced cba
MEikListBoxEditorInterface to a text editor which can be used inside a list box
MEikListBoxObserverList box observer interface
MEikScrollBarObserverScroll bar observer interface
MEikStatusPaneLayoutTreeVisitorThis abstract class is used for checking pane layout validity
MEikStatusPaneObserverThe MEikStatusPaneObserver interface allows a status pane observer to pick up changes in the size or position of the status pane
MEnvironmentalReverbObserverThis is the reverb effect observer class
MFavouritesDbObserverMFavouritesDbObserver is a Mixin for handling events from an CFavouritesDb
MFavouritesItemDataMFavouritesItemData is the Mixin class for representing extra data for a favourites item
MGFetchMGFetch can be used to to fetch media files from third party applications
MHttpDownloadMgrNextUriObserverProvides the interface for sending next uri to the client when downloading OMA or COD
MHttpDownloadMgrObserverProvides the interface for notification of events from a Download Manager session and its subsessions
MHWRMLightObserverA callback interface for light status reporting
MHWRMVibraObserverA callback interface for vibra status reporting
MImClientInstant Messaging interface class This interface class provides methods to send and receive instant messages
MImClientDetailedErrorDetailed errors accessor class
MImConnectionObserverConnection Observer interface
MImObserverObserver interface for Instant Messaging The user shall implement this interface and register it through the MImClient interface to the API to be able to receive IMs
MListBoxAnimBackgroundDrawerA callback interface for overriding highlight animation input layer preparation in derived classes
MListBoxItemChangeObserverItem change observer will be notified when list box items have been added or removed or the list box has been reset
MListBoxModelDescription List box data model interface
MListBoxSelectionObserverItem selection (marking) observer is used to let application control item marking (in markable lists)
MListenerDopplerObserverThis is the Listener doppler effect observer class
MListenerLocationObserverThis is the Listener Location effect observer class
MListenerOrientationObserverThis is the Listener Orientation effect observer class
MLocationObserverThis is the location effect observer class
MLoudnessObserverThis is the noise reduction effect observer class
MMGFetchCancelerInterface for canceling the fetch popup
MMGFetchVerifierInterface for verifying fetch selection before the fetch popup is closed
MMsgBioBodyControlInterface for handling of event request
MMsgBioControlThe interface for Bio controls
MMsgBioControlExtensionInterface for Bio control extension
MMsgBioControlObserverInterface for Bio Control Observer
MMsgBioControlScrollExtensionInterface for scrolling extension
MNcnNotificationPublic ECom notification API
MOCREngineBaseOCR (Optical Character Recognition) Engine Base
MOCREngineInterfaceOCR (Optical Character Recognition) Engine Interface Base
MOCREngineLayoutRecognizeOCR (Optical Character Recognition) Engine Interfaces with Layout Analysis
MOCREngineObserverOCR (Optical Character Recognition) Engine Observer
MOCREngineRecognizeBlockOCR (Optical Character Recognition) Engine Interfaces without Layout Analysis
MOptionMenuHandlerContains the ability for plug-ins to handle the menu option commands
MOrientationObserverThis is the location effect observer class
MPbkContactDbObserverInterface class for Phonebook contact database observers
MPbkDataSaveCallbackCallback interface for CPbkDataSaveAppUi::HandleCommandL
MPbkEditorOkToExitCallbackPhonebook contact editor exit callback interface
MPbkFetchDlgAcceptAccept callback interface for fetch dialogs
MPbkFetchDlgSelectionInterface for accepting/refusing selections in Phonebook fetch dialog
MPbkFetchKeyCallbackPhonebook fetch dialog key event callback
MPbkFieldDataPhonebook field data abstract interface
MPbkFieldDataArrayArray of MPbkFieldData objects
MPbkThumbnailGetImageObserverObserver interface for CPbkThumbnailManager get image operation
MPbkThumbnailGetObserverObserver interface for CPbkThumbnailManager get operation
MPbkThumbnailSetObserverObserver interface for CPbkThumbnailManager set operations
MPluginAdapterThe plug-in can use this interface to communicate with the browser
MPluginNotifierContains notification ability for plug-ins
MProEngActiveProfileObserverActive profile modification observer interface
MProEngAlertToneSeekerThis class can be used to find media files suitable to be set as an alert tone in Profiles
MProEngAlertToneSeekerObserverInterface to get the list of the alert tones from MProEngAlertToneSeeker
MProEngEngineProfile engine interface
MProEngNotifyHandlerProfiles change notification handler
MProEngProfileProfile settings interface
MProEngProfileActivationObserverProfile activation observer interface
MProEngProfileNameProfile name interface
MProEngProfileNameArrayProfile name array interface
MProEngProfileNameArrayObserverProfile name array modification observer interface
MProEngProfileObserverProfile modification observer interface
MProEngTonesProfile tones interface
MProEngToneSettingsProfile tone settings interface
MProgressDialogCallbackMProgressDialogCallBack Inherit from this class and implement DialogDismissed to get a callback when/if a dialog is dismissed
MPtiEngineCompositionDataInterfaceMPtiEngineCompositionDataInterface class
MPtiLanguageClient side interface for querying PtiEngine language related attributes
MPtiObserverPtiEngine observer interface
MPtiUserDictionaryA base class for PtiEngine user dictionary implementations
MPtiUserDictionaryEntryAn interface class for accessing items in user dictionary
MRoomLevelObserverThis is the RoomLevel effect observer class
MScreensaverPluginThe base class for screensaver plugin modules
MScreensaverPluginHostThis class defines plugin host interface
MSenConsumerPolicyThis abstract class defines consumer policy interface
MSenContentHandlerClientInterface for SAX Parser Callback events
MSenElementThe abstract interface of an XML element
MSenFragmentThis abstract class defines the interface for XML fragment classes
MSenIdentityProviderIdArrayAbstract interface for ProviderID array classes
MSenProviderPolicyThis abstract class defines provider policy interface
MSenServiceConsumerAn interface class for SenServiceConnection callbacks from remote service
MSenServiceDescriptionInterface (abstract) class for subclasses implementing the most common value objects used in WSF, which are used to describe some invocable service
MSourceDopplerObserverThis is the doppler effect observer class
MSourceLocationObserverThis is the Source Location effect observer class
MSourceOrientationObserverThis is the Source Orientation effect observer class
MStereoWideningObserverThis is the stereo wideing effect observer class
MTextListBoxModelText list box model interface
MVibraControlObserverAn interface the developer implements for handling notifies events
MWidgetCallbackThis class provides a mechanism for the browser engine to interact with the widget host application
MWidgetExtensionThis class provides an extension mechanism for the widget host app to interact with the browser engine This class includes the Widget specific extension needed in the browser engine
NoOptimizationView< T >Removing optimization that breaks listbox views A view which removes optimization from CListBoxView which breaks with lists where all items are not the same layout
OCREngineFactoryOCR (Optical Character Recognition) API
PathInfoClass holds information of system paths
PbkIconUtilsPhonebook icon utilility class
PosLandmarkSerializationThis class contains helper methods for landmark serialization
PosLmCategorySerializationThis class contains helper methods for landmark category serialization
ProEngFactoryFactory for Profiles Engine Wrapper
RAknAppServiceBaseAllows a server app client to connect to a new server app, which will be chained from the client app, giving it the appearance of being embedded within the client
RAknBitmapAnimClient class for wserv animations based on bitmaps
RAknIconSrvClientA client-side handle to a session with an icon server which allows handling icons (bitmaps)
RAknKeyLockA handle class API disabling/enabling keylock state
RAknKeylock2Direct client to AknCapServer
RCmConnectionMethodRCmConnectionMethod is for getting values of a connection method
RCmDestinationRCmDestination is for getting values of a network destination
RCmManagerRCmManager gives access to network destinations and connection methods
RConeResourceLoaderClass encapsulates methods for opening and closing localised resource files in the CONE environment
RDRMHelperThis class provides the client-side interface to the server session
REcmtA handle to a session with Ecmt server
RFavouritesDbRFavouritesDb is the representation of the favourites database
RFavouritesDbIncrementalIncremental object for Favourites Engine
RFavouritesDbNotifierRFavouritesDbNotifier is the Favourites database change notifier for the Favourites Engine
RFavouritesFileRFavouritesFile is a class derived from RFavouritesHandle
RFavouritesHandleRFavouritesHandle is the favourite object handle
RFavouritesSessionRFavouritesSession is the Favourites Engine Session
RHttpDownloadCreates a download manager subsession and performs operations on it
RHttpDownloadMgrCreates a download manager session and performs operations on it
RHttpDownloadMgrApiExtAPI Extensions for RHttpDownloadMgr
RPbkViewResourceFileHelper class for loading the PbkView DLL resource file
RPositionerThis class is used to create a sub-session with the server for the purpose of obtaining the current position
RPositionerSubSessionBaseAbstract base class for all positioning sub-sessions, including RPositioner
RPositionServerThis is generally the first interface class used by all client applications
RRequestorStackThis class is used to hold a chain of requestors identifying the clients that are involved in requesting the location information of the terminal
SAknBatteryNotifyParamsBattery state notifier parameter structure
SAknConfirmationResourceStructure to hold the required resources for a password confirmation sequence This holds 3 resource IDs
SAknGlobalListQueryParamsGlobal list query parameter structure
SAknGlobalMsgQueryParamsGlobal message query parameter structure
SAknGlobalNoteParamsGlobal note parameters
SAknGlobalNoteReturnParamsGlobal note return parameter structure
SAknGlobalProgressDialogParamsGlobal progress note parameter structure
SAknIncallBubbleParamsIncall status bubble notifier parameter structure
SAknKeyLockNotifierParamsKey lock notifier parameter structure
SAknSignalNotifyParamsSignal state notifier parameter structure
SAknSmallIndicatorParamsSmall indicator notifier parameter structure
SAknSoftNoteNotifierParamsSoft note notifier parameter structure
SAknSoftNotificationParamsSoft notification parameters
SEdwinFindModelThis describes the features of a search-and-replace operation on a CEikEdwin
SEikHotKeyHotkey parameters
SEikRangeRange struct for CEikRangeEditor
SenDateUtilsThis utility class provides static methods for conversions between Symbian class types and XSD time-date type
SenXmlUtilsThis class offers a set of utility functions for XML data The helper methods include Unicode (UCS2) and UTF-8 encoding and decoding as well as convenience methods to encode and decode the five basic XML entities
SLafButtonGroupContainerLook of button group container
SLafControlGroupControl group attributes
SLafListBoxFlags for listboxes
SLafMenuPaneMenu pane highlight type enumerations
SLafScrollThumbScroll bar thumb orientation enumerations
StringLoaderClass provides methods to load and format resource strings
SysUtilSysUtil provides various utility methods for applications
TAiwGenericParamGeneric parameter class for passing data between applications
TAiwVariantVariant data class to hold a value of a TAiwGenericParam instance
TAknContentDimensionsClass for storing the content dimensions of icons
TAknEditorCaseStateData structure to store current state of case modes
TAknFontSpecificationObject representing the series 60 requirements for a font
TAknInputLanguageCapabilitiesInput language capabilities
TAknLayoutRectLow level rectangle management based on European LAF document (can be used by application's custom controls)
TAknLayoutTextLow level drawing based on European LAF document (can be used by application's custom controls)
TAknPopupFaderTAknPopupFader fades controls
TAknPopupWindowLayoutDefTAknPopupWindowLayoutDef collects all LAF specification lines that are needed for popup windows
TAknQueryData< T >
TAknQueryData< TDes >
TAknQueryData< TInetAddr >
TAknQueryData< TInt >
TAknQueryData< TPosition >
TAknQueryData< TReal >
TAknQueryData< TTime >
TAknQueryData< TTimeIntervalSeconds >
TAknScreenModeInformation about a screen mode
TAknScreenModesTAknScreenModes is a collection of available screen modes on this device, with API for setting an application's screen mode
TAknsItemIDItem identifier used to identify items supplied through skin interfaces
TAknsRlEffectCapsEffect capabilities structure
TAknsRlGraphicsParamContent structure for graphics parameters
TAknsRlLayerDataStructure that encapsulates information of a layer
TAknsRlParameterDataParameter data structure
TAknsRlRenderOpParamRendering operation parameter structure
TAknTextDecorationMetricsThis class contains information to decorate a text with highlights, cursors and margins
TBearerPriorityTBearerPriority is a representation of a bearer priority defined in commsdat
TBrCtlDefsDefinitions of custom data types for the Browser Control API
TBrCtlImageCarrierTheTBrCtlImageCarrier class used to give the information about the image
TBrCtlSelectOptionDataList of elements to display in the list box
TBrCtlSubscribeToInformation of Subscribe to items
TBrCtlWmlServiceOptionWraps information about the WML DO elements
TCalPubSubDataThe publish and subscribe data
TCmSettingSelectionStores the details of a setting selection
TConnMonIdId MDesSerializer - abstract interface for class serialization ConnMonTId class declaration
TCoordinateTCoordinate is used to hold the basic coordinates of a location (latitude, longitude and altitude)
TCourseThis is used to hold information about the current speed and direction of the device
TEfAudioEqualizerThis class defines the effect data structure to be passed between client and server
TEfAudioEqualizerBandThis class defines the effect data structure of a particular frequency band
TEfAudioEqualizerUtilityPresetThis class defines the Equalizer Effect Utility data structure
TEfBassBoostDataThis class defines the effect data structure to be passed between client and server
TEfCommonThis class defines the common effect data
TEfDistanceAttenuationThis class defines the effect data structure to be passed between client and server
TEfDopplerThis class defines the effect data structure to be passed between client and server
TEfEnvironmentalReverbThis class defines the effect data structure to be passed between client and server
TEfEnvironmentalReverbUtilityPresetThis class defines the EnvironmentalReverb Effect Utility data structure
TEfLocationThis class defines the effect data structure to be passed between client and server
TEfLoudnessDataThis class defines the effect data structure to be passed between client and server
TEfOrientationThis class defines the effect data structure to be passed between client and server
TEfRoomLevelThis class defines the effect data structure to be passed between client and server
TEfStereoWideningThis class defines the effect data structure to be passed between client and server
TEfStereoWideningUtilityPresetThis class defines the StereoWidening Effect Utility data structure
TEikButtonCoordinatorButton coordinator class
TEikScrollBarFrameLayoutEnables setting of the frame layout for a scroll bar
TEikScrollBarModelScroll bar models encapsulate the range of integers which a scroll bar can represent, from zero to n, and the current position of the scroll bar thumb within that range
TEikStatusPaneInitThis class stores the details about status pane sub pane ownership and initial contents
TFavouritesWapApTFavouritesWapAp is the representation one the Access Point used in favourites
THttpDownloadEventContains download states
TListFontBoundValuesThe data container class TListFontBoundValues class holds size properties of the fonts used in list boxes
TListItemPropertiesThe TListItemProperties class packages together the color and style properties which can be applied when drawing the contents of list box items
TLmkItemIdDbCombiInfoThis class provides methods for fetching the ID of selected landmark or category and the handle to database to which either landmark or category belongs
TLocalityAdds an error estimate for the horizontal and vertical accuracy of the point to TCoordinate
TOCRBlockInfoOCR (Optical Character Recognition) Text Line Information
TOcrEngineEnvOCR (Optical Character Recognition) Engine Environment Settings
TOCRLayoutBlockInfoOCR (Optical Character Recognition) Block Information for Recognizing Blocks
TOCRLayoutSettingOCR (Optical Character Recognition) Setting for Layout Analysis
TOCRRecognizeSettingOCR (Optical Character Recognition) Setting for Recognize (Reserved)
TOCRTextLineInfoOCR (Optical Character Recognition) Text Line Information
TOCRTextRgnInfoOCR (Optical Character Recognition) Text Block Information
TPbkContactItemFieldPhonebook Contact item field class
TPbkIconInfoPhonebook icon information encapsulating class
TPositionThis class is the standard data structure for retrieving location information
TPositionClassTypeBaseThe base class for classes used to store position information
TPositionCourseInfoClass for getting a TCourse from the location server
TPositionCriteriaThe standard class criteria class for selecting a positioning module
TPositionCriteriaBaseThe base class for classes used to store position module selection criteria information
TPositionInfoStandard class for getting a TPosition location fix from the location server
TPositionInfoBaseThis class provides the interface used by RPositioner to get a location fix, and as such all classes used to get location info from the location server should derive from this class
TPositionModuleInfoThe standard class for storing information about positioning modules
TPositionModuleInfoBaseThe base class for classes storing information about positioning modules
TPositionModuleStatusThe normal class for storing a position module's status
TPositionModuleStatusBaseThe base class for classes storing a position module's status
TPositionModuleStatusEventThe normal class for storing position module status events
TPositionModuleStatusEventBaseThe base class for classes storing position module status events
TPositionQualityThe standard position quality class
TPositionQualityBaseThe base class for classes used to store position quality information
TPositionQualityItemThis is an internal class that holds the value for position quality attributes
TPositionSatelliteInfoThis class is used to store information about positions obtained by satellites
TPositionSelectionOrderThis class is used as part of the TPositionCriteria class to chose a positioning module that will provide the desired quality of information
TPositionSelectionOrder::SItemStores a field / priority pair
TPositionUpdateOptionsThe normal class for storing position update options
TPositionUpdateOptionsBaseThe base class for classes storing position update options This class is used to change the behavior of RPositioner::NotifyPositionUpdate()
TPosLmDatabaseEventStruct for landmark database events
TPosLmDatabaseSettingsTPosLmDatabaseSettings encapsulates the attributes that can be set for a landmark database
TPosLmEventStruct for landmark database change event details
TPosLmSortPrefClass for specifying sort preference
TPtiUserDictionaryEntryThis is implementation of MPtiUserDictionaryEntry interface for latin languages (or any other language, which needs only one component (=word) for user dictionary entry)
TRegionInfoOCR (Optical Character Recognition) Block Information for Recognizing Blocks
TSatelliteDataThis class is used to transfer data about a satellite
TSendingCapabilitiesSending capabilities for sending services
VersionInfoClass holds system version information
VersionInfo::TPlatformVersionClass TPlatformVersion stores platform version information
VersionInfo::TVersionBaseClass TVersionBase is a base class for all version information data
VibraFactoryFactory to create instance of the VibraControl

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